A Mark of Fear

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

After dinner had been finished, she had volunteered to wash the dishes since the rain had stopped. She had mentioned that she was feeling a little more confident to go out on her own since it had been a few days now since the incident with her husband. Reluctantly, Will had agreed, but he had told her that he would be at the back of home, checking on a few things. (F/n) had merely nodded as she had no desire to inquire about what those things were.

Once she had headed out, she had washed the dishes and taken care of a few other nightly things. Just to relax in the cool night air a bit longer, though, she now kept her hands in the water a little bit more. The water was quite cold without Will's magic influencing it, but it was somewhat refreshing. Despite its frigid temperature, it was soothing to have the water run over her skin. It reminded her a bit of how there would always be a constant flow of water back in Tarhuinn's and her home.

The cold temperature, however, did get to her after several minutes. She pulled her hands out and wiped them on her dress skirt. (F/n) picked up the bucket with the clean dishes before she went back in. Will was still out, but she assumed that he had heard her close the door. After she placed the bucket on the ground and put the dishes away, she grabbed the blanket from the back of the chair and made her way into the bedroom.

Apparently, the blanket in her hands had been a spare as Will's other blanket was still draped over the end of the bed, but she added it to the other one. The sheets were enough for her. Once she had her boots off and had settled herself in, Will came inside, grabbed some clothes and went off to take his bath. Like before, she kept her gaze away from the window. Unfortunately, she didn't hear Tarhuinn calling her name softly. It really did calm her nerves even if it could be turned into a painful weapon against her, but her eyes did close. Even though she did her best to keep herself awake, her body had other plans, and it had won in the end.

Outside, Will was still in the water. He had walked into the lake up to his knee level and had been quite pleased to find that she had gone inside already. There had been some blood on his fingers after all. Even after eating a decent helping of trout, his craving for his bluebell hadn't vanished. So, he had to have a small snack. Otherwise, he might have lost himself.

Splashing water onto his face before he smoothed back his golden blonde locks, he wondered if he would be able to snatch another small taste. He did earn such a pleasure. After all, he had told her that he liked her, and he had meant it. Never had he told one of his victims that before and meant it.

Not to mention that she also discovered his lie about the one book. In the past, a couple of his victims had read over its pages, but they had never caught his lie when he told them of the original owner. If they had, they had never voiced it. That's probably part of the reason why he liked his bluebell more than the others. She had similar way of going about things like his childhood friend, or, at least, he imagined that his friend would've behaved like her if she had lived longer.

That might be because he spent too much time around one type of woman, though. He hadn't really interacted with a woman out of those features for awhile now unless it was to buy supplies. Despite all of this, he would still have his bluebell. She would merely stay alive longer than the rest; he would give her that much.

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