Beneath the Pools

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Near the ruins, there was a bump in the road. She was thrown upwards some before she impacted the bottom of the wagon again. Water splashed all around her, and she was getting tired of getting soaked. She coughed out some more water before she peered over the edge of the wagon. They were now entering the ruins.

Sitting up a bit straighter, she rested her hands on the edge of the wagon and looked out over it. She couldn't see out too far since the moon and stars were partially blocked out by the storm. Only thin rays of the lights broke through the thick storm clouds. The rain continued to pour down on them, but her companion didn't seem to mind at all. Then again, he's the one who brought a wagon full of water in the first place.

Once they were a safe distance from the road and far in the ruins, he stopped the wagon and hopped down into a pool of water. He went into another before detaching the horse from the cart. "You're free to go," he spoke quietly to the animal. The male hit the horse hard on its side, and it started to run off.

He watched it dart off until he turned his attention back to her. The male moved to stand closer to one of the beams of moonlight. His hands reached up to his cloak hood, and he steadily pulled it down. Long ink-colored black locks fell past his past shoulders while the rest of his hair was secured behind his back. Prominent brows, in the same hue as his locks, complimented his dark blue eyes. A small smile fell upon his lips while a chiseled jaw line made him all the more attractive.

The black cloak cascaded down his broad shoulders and down his left arm as he held his hand out to her. She was embarrassed to take it; she was ashamed of her appearance. Her (h/l) (h/c) tangled, her dress torn, her arms scratched and overall she was a mess. This man was stunning in his appearance, and she wished to hide in the shadows. Even though the rain plastered strands of his hair to his face, he held an otherworldly handsomeness to him. Heat had invaded her cheeks the moment that he had pulled down his hood. "(F/n) come. Take my hand. You'll catch a cold if we don't get you out of the rain," he mentioned, his gentle smile still on his lips.

With immense hesitation, she reached forward with her right hand and took his hand. She stood up carefully in the water and walked towards him. Her heart hammered in her chest with each step. When she stepped out of the back of the wagon, he released her hand and rested both of his hands on her waist. More heat flooded to her cheeks, and she thought that they would burst. He lifted her up and then down before he set her gently on the ground. The male took her right hand in his left again before turning the other way towards the pool. She summoned up her courage, however, and tugged back on his hand. "Wait, I need to ask you some questions."

Glancing over his left shoulder, he answered, "They can wait until we get you out of this weather, and we get those scratches taken care of."

Being bold, she shook her head. It was hard to resist that harmonious voice of his, but she forced herself to. "At least answer one of them," she murmured, meeting his gaze. She nearly got lost in his dark blue eyes, and she quickly looked away.

Facing her some more now, she heard him sigh, but he remained quiet. She figured that he was agreeing to her request. "Will you tell me your name before we go any further?"

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