Smoke Filled Night

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

From the moment that he woke up, Tarhuinn had hoped that it had been some terrible dream and that his wife wasn't off to that supposed mage's cabin. His dark blue eyes had searched the pixie home for her, believing that she would appear if he had stared long enough. The icy bonds around his wrists and feet weren't really there. They were just fragments of his imagination. (F/n) was nearby him somewhere. She hadn't broken her agreement with him.

All that had happened was that he had grown tired and passed out. His waking up eyes just hadn't noticed her yet. He had sat up straighter and had put his feet more into the thin stream. The royals, on their thrones, had stared down at him while the other pixies had seemed armed to the ready. It was then that his mind had realized the truth. She really had left him behind; she had ordered the royals to stop him.

Pain had erupted in his chest. He had brought his head to his bound hands. His mind couldn't take it, for his wife was off to some perverted, murderous and cannibalistic mage. Tarhuinn had begun to tremble while his fingers had grasped for his hair. She couldn't go there; she wouldn't travel there.

He had needed her to come back to him; he had needed to restrict her movements. Bonds should have been placed on her, not him. Having known this, he had resorted to that method; he had turned his charming call into something from one's nightmares. It was as though he had called upon the dead for service and had sent a reaper to claim her back.

This call had been so powerful, so terrifying that it rang beyond just a connection between him and her. His lips had parted, but her name had never been heard by the pixies. All they had listened to was the unearthly wail of the male. They had all covered their ears and had used frost to help protect them from the deafening sound.

When the awful sound had finished, Tarhuinn had been at a loss of breath, and tears had been streaming down his face. He had never wished to use that against her; he had never thought that such a case would arise where he would need it. The effect of it on her was known to him, but he couldn't have her running off to danger like that.

Now, he had his knees to his chest and his forehead resting on them. All he desired was to have her back in his arms and to murder the pixies that had placed the horrid idea into her mind. The idea of that mage putting his filthy hands on her made his blood boil. His fingers twitched a little as they itched to wrap themselves around the mage's neck. Both the mage and the pixies needed to die.

Hopefully, though, (f/n) would come back to him and not head to that cabin. She would realize her mistake; she would break his bonds and let him dispatch as many of the pixies that he could. His body pulled itself closer together while his toes curled in the small stream. Despite his optimistic wishes, he could feel tears still run down his cheeks. "(F/n), I want you back so much. Please, come back to me now. Please..." he whispered to himself countless times.

The pixies around him merely watched. They kept their distance, understanding that his current display would transform into pure murderous rage if they were to get too close. Both royals planned, though, that if he tried to release that cry again, they would freeze his mouth over. It would prevent them from hearing it. Unfortunately, the luxury wouldn't be extended to (f/n).

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