Top Overlook

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


As they progressed farther up the staircase, (f/n) did realize that it was getting much colder. Not only that but it was also getting harder to breathe. She found herself resting more against Tarhuinn as well, and she could even hear his difficulty with breathing as well. The light of moon became brighter while the darker depths disappeared behind them.

Taking several more steps, the two of them were faced with a waterfall that covered the entirety of the next few steps. They didn't wish to get their supplies wet, but there was no other way up. Tarhuinn instructed her to take off her cloak and put it in her pack before handing the pack to him. It made sense to keep one article of clothing at least somewhat dry. Otherwise, they would be freezing completely the rest of the way up.

Once she had done so and he had done the same, Tarhuinn moved closer to the edge of the stairs. He leaned a bit into his left side and craned his neck to look beyond the waterfall. Concerned that he may slip and fall, she went over to him carefully and held onto his right arm. An appreciative smile crossed his lips, but he assured her that he would be fine. Regardless of his reassurance, she kept her hold on him. If he did happen to fall, though, they probably would both go tumbling down. There was no way that she had the upper body strength to pull him back up.

His focus, however, turned back to the stairs past the cascade of water. Swinging his left arm a few times, he released the pack in his hands and tossed it to the stairs beyond. It made contact with the stairs and slid a bit on them but otherwise stayed. He took her pack next and did the same. They would get wet through the bottom, but if they hurried, the contents inside wouldn't get wet too badly.

He moved back from the edge, and she let go of him and walked back herself. She inwardly sighed in relief that they were no longer near that long drop down. Tarhuinn took up her left hand again and advanced with her up the steps. (F/n) felt the frigid water coat her person, and she wished to dart back the way they came. Already, she was shivering. Her hand instinctively tightened around his in order to find a source of warmth.

When they moved past the fall of water, Tarhuinn let go of her and picked up their packs. He set them on a rock that was sticking slightly out of the stone wall. His right hand motioned her to come over, and she gave no argument. Her dry cloak was in there after all.

Rubbing her hands against her arms, she watched him pull out the cloak and hold it out to her. She took it as though it was the most precious gem in the world. Granted, putting it over cold and wet clothes wouldn't do her too good. "Tarhuinn, do you mind facing the other way?"

For a moment, he was confused by the request, but that puzzlement vanished quickly. "Of course, you might want to do the same, then, unless you want to watch me change." Heat hit her cheeks, and she shook her head. Turning to face away from him, she hung her cloak on the jutting out rock until she had her wet clothes off. A soft chuckle hit her ears, which caused her to pout some, but she went to the task at hand.

Out of her traveling clothes, she set them aside on the rock and grabbed her cloak. She kept her underclothes on since she could tolerate them being wet. It was either that or climbing the rest of the way nude under her cloak. The second option didn't seem like a swell one.

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