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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"If I discover that you two misled us, I'll hunt you down and show you no mercy. You'll be killed the moment that I see either of you, and my wife can validate my claim. Do you two understand?" Tarhuinn questioned as his eyes narrowed and a threatening aura dominated his being.

"We understand. We just wish to get out of here before they resurface. So, do we have a deal?" the man asked, his right foot tapping a bit in impatience. The woman kept glancing between them and the pool, clearly nervous about the other four spies. She had every right to be, though. There was no telling how long that they would be down there.

"Yes, tell us the short route," Tarhuinn responded, glancing to the male's tapping foot. It seemed like he would tackle the male if he continued, but he maintained his present position. It probably also helped that she now had her hands resting on his right upper arm.

"From here, you'll want to head to the far back of this space. There, you'll enter the next path, and there will only be a few torches to light your way. I doubt that you'll have trouble seeing, though. Afterwards, you'll be met with two paths. Take the right one and continue straight. There will be constant turns down that path but always go straight.

"At the end of the path, you'll be met with a large pool of water. On the other end, there will be another path. Don't go down that way. It leads directly to the spies' main sitting room. You'll both need to swim down to the bottom of the pool, but it isn't too deep. At the bottom, you'll both see a path to your left. Take it, and you'll find yourselves in a hallway overlooking their masters' main space.

"There will be two or three spies guarding that area. Two will be facing their masters' room, and one will be facing the pool. If you two have made it this far, you shouldn't have too much of a problem disposing of them before they sound an alarm."

"And, is there a way into their masters' main room directly without being seen by those two spies?" (f/n) asked since a problem could arise on the way to the lookout spot.

"Not that I'm aware of. The moment that you enter that space, someone will be alerted of your presence immediately."

"Then, you have saved us from a terrible outcome," Tarhuinn admitted, though; his tone hadn't softened. "Now, we'll fulfill our end of the bargain." He narrated to them the path that they had taken to reach the current space and explained that there was some movement on that path, so they would probably have to stop a few times and wait until it was clear for them to move ahead again.

When Tarhuinn finished his explanation, the four of them thanked the others for the information before they took off in their respective directions. As Tarhuinn and she left the space, the two humans were still walking along the narrow path. Turning their backs to the two humans, they started down the poorly lit way. (F/n) could see torchlight far down, but it barely illuminated the ground. She allowed Tarhuinn to guide her down until they drew closer to the light, but she did still hold onto his upper arm even when she could view her surroundings better.

With how severe their situation was, his arm was a sense of comfort for her, especially in the darker parts. She knew that he was there and that she shouldn't worry if she heard water splashes off in the distance. Even now, they could hear individuals up ahead. It sounded like there was at least five, and, from their encounter with the two humans, they were probably all kelremm.

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now