Dangerous Exit

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Back and forth, back and forth, the fish continued this pattern. Its hands would occasionally reach out and try to grab her, but she stayed huddled close to the wall. She could feel the sharp pieces of stone press against her skin, but she was glad that the effects of the water had soothed her injuries some before. The cuts were still there, but the bleeding had stopped. Perhaps if she stood next to the tree for long enough, her wounds would be completely healed, but she didn't exactly have time to test it out.

Somehow, she needed to get around the fish. She could jump over it and into the water, but it would catch up to her quickly. That would also give away her location. Thankfully, the fish was rather quiet with its movements. (F/n) took in her surroundings once more to see if maybe there was a hidden way out, but it continued to look all closed off except for the one entrance and exit.

Getting to her feet, she pushed back some strands of (h/c) hair and kept her fingers in her locks. Tarhuinn's screams played back in her mind, and her chest tightened. He was probably being tortured at that very moment. She despised being so weak, yet she also wanted to break down and cry. (F/n) wished to pour out her emotions and relieve her mind completely of them.

Her pacing stopped. She froze completely before she felt a sob form in the back of her throat. Leaning against the wall, she covered her mouth with her hands. (F/n) closed her eyes. He had called her name, but it had sounded so faint. Tarhuinn was probably in no condition to expend his energy on speaking her name. His own health was more important right now.

Swallowing the sob, she lowered her hands. Tarhuinn needed her now. (F/n) glanced back down to the fish. There was no other way out, and she couldn't out swim the fish. She did have a dagger, but it would only break the fish's contact for a mere moment. With the fish around, she wouldn't be able to sneak up on the guards if that were even possible. No matter what, the fish had to be dealt with before she could do anything else.

It jumped up and reached for her. She took a step back and dodged before it merged with the water again. Its movements continued, and its back fin could be seen every now and then. The fish's hands were the main problem. If she could secure them, she could possibly ride the fish out. That would surprise the guards awaiting her, but how could she secure water?

At times, the fish would harden itself, like it had done when it had grabbed a hold of her ankles, but it could immediately go back to its complete liquid state. The only way to secure the fish might be to have it catch her. If she surrendered herself, she would have more control of the situation.

First, she required some of those leaves. She still wished to see her captors as she had no intention of going with them willingly. (F/n) waited for the fish to grab for her again; she would have to time it right. Dagger at the ready, she held it in a modified saber grip.

The fish leaped up and came towards her. She waited until it reached its highest point. There, she slashed it. Water split apart and started fall back down, but she wasted no time in watching it. (F/n) dived into the water and zipped through the water to the best of her ability. It grew warmer as she went nearer to the tree, and she was tempted to slow down, but she kicked regardless. Soon, though, her efforts at forcing her movement became fruitless. Already, she could hear the fish coming up behind her.

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