A Surprise of Warmth

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Cold water splashed up around Tarhuinn's ankles. It was quicker since there was no dry path for her to run on, and she would have had to be careful not to slip if she had darted through the water. An occasional water droplet would splash up against her left arm as Tarhuinn had switched to carrying her in his arms. Being carried around as though she were a sack of food wasn't exactly comfortable, but she hadn't complained. He had just been nice enough to think of that fact himself.

Regardless, he was hurrying to find some end to the present path that they were on. She couldn't see a thing given the lack of torches, but Tarhuinn wasn't slowing down at all. Beneficially, they hadn't been met with a dead end yet, but that was a severe concern. They would be cornered, and that fate was grim.

No splashes of water sounded behind them yet, but, perhaps, that's because they were only focused on getting out of there for now. The splashes that Tarhuinn was making created enough noise for her ears. There was also the fact that her heart was pounding in her chest. She had managed to fight off some of those spies, but she could barely defend against more than one at a time. Even then, she had been captured.

That fact was incredibly frustrating. If it hadn't been for Tarhuinn's actions, he would've been killed, and she would be in that horrendous room that she had seen earlier. It wasn't the time for tears, but she could feel them forming. This time, it wasn't out of fear or worry but only irritation at herself.

She didn't desire to lose Tarhuinn because of her poor fighting capabilities. It was unrealistic to think that he could defend against all of the spies and the authors, and it was near impossible if not entirely for her to fight multiple kelremm at once. The reality of their situation was crippling.

Not being to help herself, she leaned her head more against his chest and permitted a couple of tears to glide down her face. They would've been more noticeable had the both of them not already been soaked. A gentle squeeze on her form did indicate that Tarhuinn had seen them. He remained silent for now, though, and she appreciated that. Right now, she needed quiet. The present darkness only aided that. All she wished for in that moment was to know that he was there and that they were momentarily alright, and that's what she received.

When light did greet her eyes, she peered towards it and squinted. Presently, she could barely see due to her eyes adjusting to the light, but she did note the icy-blue hue to it. Not only this but also it felt warm. It was as though she were wrapped in soft blankets back at their home. Her clothes were drying as well while the warmth continued to wrap around her.

Once she was used to the light, her lips parted a bit in awe. The water path continued on its way, but it soon wrapped itself around a glowing, icy-blue tree. Its branches stretched to the top of the cave, and small, icy-blue leaves grew upon its branches. Around its base, the water appeared shimmery.

Wishing to be set down now, she tapped him lightly on the chest. "I want to walk the rest of the way," she spoke softly as though yelling couldn't exist in the current space. She hadn't even suggested running still since the danger behind them seemed to fade from her mind.

Obliging her, he placed her feet into the water. Her toes curled a bit at the warmth in delight. She moved forward with him until they reached the tree. Curious, she extended out her right hand and pressed her palm to the trunk. Warmth seeped through her fingers and up her arms. It felt like it was mixing with the blood in her veins and traveling through her entire body. "Do you think that this is the energy source that the authors have been using?"

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