Covered View

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Light flowed in from outside. She could see the closed door from before, but she wouldn't stay on the fish long enough to find out whether the fish could open it or not. The other issue was the two guards standing by it. Her dagger had been lost in the fight from before, and she had no arrows left to string. All she had was the bow.

Currently, the guards were having a conversation with the other. It didn't take her long to figure out that they were discussing Tarhuinn's and her fate. They hadn't seen her yet, and if she had the arrows, it would be the perfect moment to strike. She couldn't make up some story about the other guards either. Blood painted her clothes and skin.

There wasn't anything to hide behind either; there was just snow, but there was no possibility of surprise if she stayed on the fish. Deciding on a plan, she leaped off the fish and to her left. Snow puffed up into the air as it surrounded her. She rolled onto her back and quickly pushed snow out of the way to create some distance between the water and her. The fish tried to grab for her, but she was out of range. Unfortunately, the guards had witnessed her action.

They darted towards her. She grabbed a fistful of snow and formed it into a ball swiftly. (F/n) threw it at the one's face and stunned them for a moment. Standing to her feet, the other reached for her, but she dodged their hands in time.

Extending out her right foot, she tripped the one and turned back to the other. As they went to grab her, she stepped to side before she stood behind them. With the bow, she placed it around their neck and pulled. The string pressed against their neck, and they were already starting to become weak from being out of the water. They reached up to try and break the string, but they didn't succeed; however, the other guard had recovered.

Closing the distance, they grasped her upper arms and tugged her back. She lost her grip on the bow, but she managed to elbow the guard holding her in the midsection. A gasp escaped their mouth before she wrenched her arms free and pushed them down. (F/n) noted the other one about to remove the bow, but she grabbed it once more and tugged towards herself again.

Slowly, the guard on the ground began to get to their feet again, but their balance was poor. They almost fell again while the other could only hold onto the bowstring. Their life soon vanished from them, and she pushed them away from her. (F/n) looked back to the other one. The guard was directly in front of her, but they could barely stand. Before their hands reached her, she kicked them in the midsection.

It appeared as though they were trying to call for help in the process, but their voice was too hoarse. Figuring that they wouldn't be a problem for much longer, she went over to the other one and searched them for anything. Surprisingly, there were no weapons on them. Thankfully, she had avoided their hands, then. Like the spy Phiinae, the guard had probably used them as their weapon.

Peering back at the other one, she noticed that they had stopped breathing. Cautiously, she went over and examined them. Like the other guard, they lacked weapons. Annoyed, she combed her fingers through her hair. A chill took over her, though, as she calmed down from the fighting.

With the day beginning to fade away and becoming colder, she needed to get inside. The tree and the fighting had kept her warm, but she needed to get by a fire to dry off. She was soaked, and she didn't want to be shivering when she was freeing Tarhuinn if he hadn't managed to escape already. Finding a fire, though, wouldn't be easy, and it was probably too much of a luxury in her present situation.

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