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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


(E/c) orbs left the fight and looked to the closed door. Or, it should've been closed. During the commotion, several spies had opened it and were now guarding it. Some of them looked rather pleased to be blocking her way while others seemed as though they wanted to kill her then and there. (F/n) stepped back closer to the stone wall, but her eyes shifted over to her dagger belt.

It was closer to the spies, but she needed something to defend herself with. Tarhuinn was still fighting Alpontus, and he couldn't handle any others at the moment. She made swift eye contact with the spies once more before she darted towards her daggers. This action set two of the spies in motion.

They ran towards her, and she dived for the blades. She hoped that she hadn't distracted Tarhuinn from his fight, for he needed to give it all of his focus. He couldn't concern himself with her now. Water splashed up around her, and blue feet soon came into close view. (F/n) couldn't stop herself, though; she was sliding through the water too fast.

In the process of reaching her left hand out for the belt, she collided with one of the spies. They were knocked over, but she was still able to grab the weapons. Quickly, she unsheathed one of the blades and looked to the fallen spy. The other one was nearing her, but she wasted no time. She leaned over the recovering spy and ended their life with one slice to their throat.

"You d*mned human!" she heard, and she looked up to see a spy reaching for her. Shifting the blade in her hand messily, both from the water and her fear at being captured, she didn't know what hold she had put it into; she just struck with the blade. It slashed across the spy's torso as a cry of pain left them. They took a step back, which gave her enough time to get to her feet.

She could see the other two spies charging towards her now, and she only had a few moments to finish off the one. Utilizing the spy's last moment of being stunned, she darted to them and finished them like the last spy. As they fell, she turned back to the other two. Her eyes did glance to Tarhuinn for a brief moment, and she saw that he was still fighting Alpontus. His movements had become more rushed, however.

He must have seen her run off, and he probably knew of her current state. His attacks were suffering from that knowledge, though. She would need to end her fight quickly, but, now, she wasn't working with just one opponent at a time.

Cursing, she watched one of the spies dart around her to her back while the other kept coming at her front. She had to create distance between at least one of them. (F/n) clenched her fists and ran at the one coming at her front. The spy was momentarily puzzled by her action, but they kept coming regardless.

Instead of aiming for their heart, neck or head, she leaped forward and aimed for their legs. She watched as their blade rose. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't kill her, which gave her a clear advantage. Before the blade could strike, they both impacted the water. (F/n)'s blade now rested in their right thigh.

Getting to her feet, she grabbed their ankles in the process. As she rose, she lifted their feet out of the water. A loud gasp parted from them before they tried to struggle out of her grip. The other spy had reached them now, but she couldn't let go of the one. Little options presented to her, she held onto the one still while she reached to the dresser behind her. She threw open one of the drawers and rested the spy's feet in there.

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