𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8 -𝙎𝙚𝙞𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡

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"Are you ready Seiichi ?"

Akashi says as he encourages his son

Seiichi making a fist on both hands and trying to look serious he answered "YES!"

Tetsuya gives seiichi his name tag

tetsuya: lets practice... Seiichi go...

Seiichi: My name ish... Seiichi Akashi, I'm 3 years old... nice to meet all of you

Tetsuya: Yosh

Seiichi & Akashi: oh!

At the kindergarten school

Tetsuya holding his son's hand a bit tight ... 

Seiichi then grips Tetsuya's hand and smiled 

Seiichi holds Akashi's hand and the 3 of them entered together 

in front of Seiichi's classroom 

the teacher came out to greet them... 

a few minutes later

teacher: well, Seiichi wave to mama and papa bye-bye... we're going in 

Seiichi look at Akashi and Tetsuya and wave at them slowly 

Tetsuya: see you later... Seiichi 

Seiichi enters the room with his teacher ...


Akashi: well i should be going... I'm glad seiichi didn't cry 

Tetsuya: I was relieved to 

Akashi: ill come and pick you two up later

Tetsuya: okay...

suddenly Seiichi came running out 

and hugged Tetsuya's legs 

Tetsuya and Akashi smiled and sits down to look at Seiichi who was trying to hold his tears back 

Tetsuya: don't worry Seiichi.. mommy will be out here all day...

Akashi: and daddy will come back later

Seiichi: Seiichi will be strong 

Tetsuya: that's right... 

Seiichi hugged Tetsuya and Akashi again 

and this time he entered the room alone...

Tetsuya was a bit teary-eyed...

A few hours later ...

At first, Seiichi was quietly sitting in his chair but later, he suddenly became a bit of a leader to some kids... 

tetsuya laughs a bit at how Seiichi looked like his father when he so serious.

later on Seiichi was laughing and doing everything his teacher told him .


Tetsuya looked at his phone and sees a message from Ogiwara

Tetsuya smiled and think it might be time




during nap time

Tetsuya went out to catch some air

and this time he got a call from Akashi

suddenly there were crying heard from inside the classroom 

tetsuya rushed thinking Seiichi was crying 

went he got there

he was surprised to see Seiichi calming the kids by smiling at them and said " don't worry, mama and papa will be back"

when Tetsuya asked what happened 

the teacher said " dont worry this always happen in the first day, some would wake up missing their parents"

Seiichi was trying stop his classmate from crying and tetsuya couldn't be more proud

After class

the kids were picked up by their parents 

and Tetsuya waited at the door 

when his son came out smiling and walking towards him 

tetsuya asked seiichi " did you have fun today?"

Seiichi answered with a big smile " yes "

Akashi comes running in and Seiichi jumps for joy ....

Akashi : how is my brave little prince... did you have fun ?"

Seiichi nods "seiichi loves school"

Akashi: that's great.. well daddy has a surprised for seiichi and mommy when we get home

seiichi: what is it, daddy?

Akashi then holds tetsuya's hand and say " lets go home "

тσ вє ¢σитιиυє∂

* woof woof *

see you in the next chapter --> Seiichi's first BEST FRIEND? 

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now