T͠e͠t͠s͠u͠y͠a͠'͠s͠ ͠F͠r͠e͠e͠ ͠t͠i͠m͠e͠

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Tetsuya p.o.v

Today is my break, the kids are at school
Seijuro kun is at work... I've finished cleaning, I've already prepared the ingredients for tonight's dinner

I guess it really is my break

*sits down*

*starts reading a book*

A few hours later

*woke up, sees everyone is already home*

*look around and sees Seiichi and Tetsuo playing with the twins and at the kitchen*


Akashi: your up, did you have a nice nap

Tetsuya: yes. I did...

Sees Akashi cooking

Akashi putting the lid down for the soup

Akashi: it's okay, take your time on your break

Tetsuya: but...

Akashi walk to Tetsuya and touches his "your hands are a lot rougher than it used to"

Tetsuya takes it away and was embarrassed "sorry, it's just that"
Akashi smile "Tetsuya, don't be alarm... I know why your hands are like that, so for today... Let me make my family dinner... You sit and wait"

Tetsuya then smile and said "Seijuro kun"

Akashi: mm?

Tetsuya: kiss me *blushing*

Akashi smile and lean-to Tetsuya "will do" Akashi kisses Tetsuya

At night

After tucking the kids in bed

Akashi gives Tetsuya a massage

Tetsuya: thanks Seijuro kun...

Akashi then pins down Tetsuya in bed and say "my turn"

Tetsuya smile as Akashi kisses him over and over

After that, they cuddle
Tetsuya asked "aside from my rough hands Seijuro do you see anything else that changes about me that is less attracting now"

Akashi sits up and said, "who says your hand is less attractive?"

Tetsuya surprised by Akashi outburst
Akashi grabs Tetsuya's hand and said "this hand that made sure the house and clothes are clean, the foods are there, and this hands that held our babies with absolute love and most of the hands that never let me go until now, these hands became more and more beautiful by the years, Tetsuya"

Tetsuya tears up and was happy to hear those words

Akashi: if you asked me more... Things that are changing from you made you more attractive

Tetsuya hug Akashi and said "how is it possible that all these years I'm still falling in love with you"

Akashi holds Tetsuya tight "I'm glad...because I'm still .. *lay Tetsuya on the bed* I'm still yearning for you"

Akashi gives Tetsuya a deep kiss and said "there is something that never changes from you *whisper* your hole"

Tetsuya: 😣Seijur...*kiss*

A few minutes later

Tetsuya look at Seijuro sleeping beside him and whispered "you look more handsome with these wrinkles to Akashi kun"

And Tetsuya lay on Seijuro's arm
Hugging seijuro's naked body under the cover

That night they both dream of that day they are old and grey but still together




( thanks for reading)

Akashi woke up the next morning
Tetsuya woke up next

Akashi kisses him good morning in bed and says "you should get dress the kids might wake up soon and barge in here"

And just when Tetsuya was about to get out of bed

Akane and Kurosuke comes in
Tetsuya hides under the cover

Akane: what's wrong mommy, are you sick?

Kurosuke tearing up

Tetsuya: no-no... It's just that... Uhmm

Akashi then picks Akane and Kurosuke up and said "let's leave mommy alone for a while, he seems a bit more tired... Let's head downstairs for breakfast"

Akane: yey!

Kurosuke smile

Moments later

Tetsuya got out of bed and head to the shower

A few moments later

Tetsuya joins his family at the kitchen

His kids give him a kiss

And Akashi gives Tetsuya a kiss on the neck
Akashi: I love you, don't tire yourself too much today

Tetsuya: I love you too


Seiichi: mom where...

Tetsuya: lunch... Here

Seiichi: thanks mom, love you

Tetsuo: where is the other...

Tetsuya: Tetschan your shoe and lunch

Tetsuo: thanks mom, love you

Tetsuya: Akane, your lunch, have fun today

Akane: yes mom

Tetsuya: Kurosuke, your lunch, smile, face your fears one step at a time my little Kuro-chan

Kurosuke smile

Akashi: my turn *necktie*

Tetsuya fixes Akashi's necktie "I'm getting better at this "

Akashi: ill be home early...

Tetsuya: just do your best today... Good luck

Akashi kisses him, Tetsuya then gave him *Lunch, keys, extra clothes, handkerchief, and another kiss *

As Tetsuo and Seiichi drove off with Akashi, Tetsuya drives the twins to school

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now