༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 95

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7 pm at school gym Rakuzan High

*sound of a ball being dribble*

Kanoko: Seiichi kun?

Seiichi: *look* kano-chan, are you done?

Kanoko: yes... Why are you still here?... Alone?

Seiichi: I thought I should shoot some hoops before I go home... I want to clear my mind...

Kanoko: but the doctor said...

Seiichi: *smile* I know...

Seiichi approaches Kanoko and pats her head "let's go home?"

Kanoko nods...

Kanoko: does Uncle Seijuro and Tetsuya know about it?

Seiichi: the injury? They do... I can't fake it when it's them... But about what the doctor said I can't tell them yet

Kanoko: why not?

Seiichi: because... I'm playing that game that day

Kanoko: but.
Seiichi: Tetsuo is coming

Kanoko: oh.

Seiichi: I don't want him to be disappointed

Kanoko: I think he would be disappointed more if your injury gets worse

Seiichi: I know... But I have to try... Its just one game

Kanoko looks at Seiichi's face and was worried... She held his hand as they continue to walk... Seiichi hold her hand tight




Teiko middle school

Hikari: i... I'm sorry *bow*

Tetsuo: for what?

Hikari:*blushing* for suddenly kissing you

Tetsuo: oh that... Uhm

Hikari: I didn't mean to...Uhm

Tetsuo: I see...

Tetsuo turns around and said, "it's okay..."

Hikari look and Tetsuo said "I'll forget about it... Since it was just an accident and you didn't mean it"

Hikari: no. Uhm...

Tetsuo: I see... I'm late for practice so I'll see you later

Hikari: wait... Tetsuchan.. I ...

Tetsuo: don't worry about it *smile* I already know you still like sei nii...

Tetsuo walks away waving bye to Hikari




A few minutes later

Tetsuo dribbles as he sighs
Shiro comes up saying "what's the matter?"

Tetsuo: nothing...

Shiro: *smiling* nothing means something right?

Tetsuo: I don't wanna burden captain with it

Shiro: I thought you'd be happy... Since your childhood friend I mean crush kissed you the other day

Tetsuo blushes "how...?"

Shiro: I just happened to see it...

Tetsuo: *embarrassed*

Shiro: so did you confess already?

Tetsuo: *smile* I'm not the one she wants... She likes my big brother so it doesn't matter

Shiro: I see... So you got dump?!

Tetsuo: *looks away* no... I didn't even confess

Shiro: *smiling* you're right... You didn't even confess...

Shiro puts his arm around Tetsuo and suddenly the two felt a shocked wave of pheromone

The two move apart covering their nose and look at each other.

Tetsuo was shocked but Shiro was a bit calm...

The coach calls the team
Before going Shiro whispered to Tetsuo's ear "don't fight it"




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At home

As Akashi was relaxing... Tetsuya sits on his lap and starts kissing him
Akashi: the heat is already over Tetsuya
Tetsuya: *kiss* do we really need the heat for this...
Akashi: I feel so relax being kiss by my beautiful Tetsuya
Tetsuya: shut up  and kiss me already
Akashi: *smiling*

Akashi kisses Tetsuya until they were satisfied





Teases for upcoming chapters...  In no particular order

Shiro: you're mine... Right?



Tetsuo: yes



Seiichi: I'm sorry... Tetsuo
Tetsuo: don't talk to me...




Akane: mom. Are you okay?

Tetsuya: *hugs Akane*




Kurosuke: dad... Why do I have to wear this?
Akashi: everything will be okay... Kurosuke
Kurosuke touching his omega collar



Akashi: I'm sorry I just have to do this
Tetsuya: Seijuro kun... *smile* I understand
Akashi kisses Tetsuya crying eyes
Akashi: I'll be back I promise




Nash: it's been a while... Kuroko
Tetsuya: Nash?




(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now