𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 47

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Akashi: where are kids?

Tetsuya * preparing snack* "outside, playing I came inside just to get their snack"

Akashi: mmm

Tetsuya: what's wrong?

Akashi walks close to Tetsuya
Tetsuya: I'm all sweaty Seijuro kun... Your suit might...

Akashi smile "I'm hungry to" *lips centimeter close"

Tetsuya smile "5 minutes"

Akashi kisses Tetsuya's lips, cheek, neck, wrist, hand, stomach...

Tetsuya: seijuro kun... *blushing*

Akashi continues on Tetsuya's legs... Even though he was wearing pants Tetsuya could still feel it...

Moments later

Akashi: that's 3 mins... The remaining 2...

Tetsuya: on my lips...

Akashi smile "my pleasure..."

At the backyard

Tetsuya: I brought snacks

Tetsuya starts feeding Tetsuo but Seiichi seems to be having a hard time playing

Tetsuya then approach him
Tetsuya: what's wrong?

Seiichi: I can't shoot it every time, most of the time I miss

Tetsuya: why do you want to be perfect at shooting?

Seiichi: I want to beat dad as soon as possible

Tetsuya starts wiping Seiichi's sweat and said "why don't you have some snacks first, you need all the energy you need to defeat them, emperor"

As they were eating

Seiichi: what's an emperor mom?

Tetsuya: an emperor is a king... That's your father's nickname when we were playing basketball... He was the captain of the generation of miracles

Seiichi imagines an image of his father as a Generation of miracles

Seiichi look at his mother *Tetsuya tickling Tetsuo*

Seiichi: mom... I want to see it... The generation of miracles




Days later...

At an indoor court at Akashi's company

The generation of miracles is reunited

Tetsuya: thank you all for coming... Seiichi this is the generation of miracles

Aomine: you kidding I always wanted to play again

Kise; if its kurokochi, I'm okay

Midorima: *adjust mirror* if it Seiichi I won't mind

Murasakibara: *munch*


Seiichi: my uncles?

Akashi comes in, starts dribbling the ball "why don't we get this party started"

Ogiwara and Chihiro babysits the kids

Tetsuya sitting with Seiichi

Akashi and the others start warming up

Chihiro: I gotta say for a bunch of old guys they are in shape...

Tetsuya smile: well they never stop playing...

Suddenly Akashi approach the bench and said "Tetsuya, we can't do it without you"

Seiichi: mom?

Tetsuya stands and removes his jacket
" I forgot...  We need an even number to play"

Moments later

Game starts

Seiichi's eyes did not lose focus, his attention was locked on to his parents... "They are amazing"

Ogiwara: did you know... Your parents were the phantom and the emperor



. *endgame*

Midorima: that was good work out...

Aomine: and to think you were playing housewife all this time Tetsu

Kise: I can't even copy Akashicchi this time

Murasakibara laying on the ground

Tetsuya wiping Akashi's sweat
Akashi kisses Tetsuya "take care of yourself first, love. I'll go talk to Seiichi"

Akashi runs to Seiichi "so how did we do?"

Seiichi punches Akashi on the stomach

Akashi: what was that for?

Seiichi seriously says "that was for holding back on me... "

Seiichi runs away with a newfound admiration for his parents

Aomine: that was cute

Tetsuya: looks like we fire him up again

Midorima: I wonder if I should train Shinichi too

Kise: seiichi-chi is so cute, did you see his blushing serious face

At home

Seiichi fell asleep holding a basketball
With a note on his notebook " mommy Phantom, Dad Emperor = Seiichi no.1"




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Akashi enters their room "I'm glad your muscles did not hurt from playing that much"

Then when he looks

Tetsuya is in bed comically crying to Akashi "Seijuro kun....  (╥﹏╥) my muscles"

Akashi hides his laugh

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now