𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 36

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Tetsuya: *baby talk* hello Tetsuo
Tetsuo: m..m... Mama

Tetsuya: did you sleep well
Tetsuo: mm mama. *smiling*

Seijuro: we'll be leaving *kiss on lips* bye my little phantom *kiss on Tetsuo's forehead
Tetsuo: da... Da...

Seiichi: bye mom, bye Tetsuo *kisses*

Tetsuya: seijuro kun, you didn't forget about anything?

Seijuro: not that I know of, why?

Tetsuya: ah... Never mind

Seijuro noticed Tetsuya's lonely expression "something wrong?"

Tetsuya smile "nothing"

Tetsuya kisses Seijuro again and Seijuro and Seiichi head out

Tetsuya carries Tetsuo to the kitchen to get something to eat

Tetsuya puts on his apron and prepares Tetsuo's food

Tetsuo still can't eat without making a mess so little by little with patience, Tetsuya teaches him

As Tetsuya look at Tetsuo and still can't believe this is the family he and Seijuro made

Tetsuya sigh and has an annoyed expression "I can't believe Seijuro kun forgot about our anniversary"

Tetsuo sigh like Tetsuya

Tetsuya: seijuro kun is getting old

Tetsuo laughs

Tetsuya smiles "do you wanna play basketball with mommy?"

Tetsuo reaches his hand and smiles excitedly

Tetsuya pats Tetsuo's head and smile

an hour later

Tetsuya puts Tetsuo on his team Akakuro jersey  for the first time "we had this made for you, everyone has it"

Tetsuo was so happy to receive it that he got excited about playing

As Tetsuya and Tetsuo was playing

At the office 

Seijuro: Is everything okay?

Mayuzumi: yes, I've contacted them

Ogiwara: 7th year anniversary, congratulations to your company

Seijuro sigh

Mayuzumi: what's wrong?

Seijuro: Tetsuya was lonely this morning so I'm worried

Ogiwara: don't worry Tetsuya will be fine

Seijuro picks up his phone and made a lot of phones call

Meanwhile at home

Tetsuya was getting ready to go out and buy some ingredients for the surprised dinner he plans to make for Seijuro

Tetsuya calls seijuro to make sure he comes home early


Tetsuya: uhm... seijuro Kun... tonight

Seijuro: tonight? Oh... Sorry... Could you pick up Seiichi for me I won't be home early, I need to finish something important

Tetsuya: mmm... Okay.

Seijuro: thanks ... I love you

Tetsuya: me too... Bye

Tetsuya puts his things down and smiled at Tetsuo disappointed "I guess we should get you ready for a nap, you and mommy won't be going anywhere"

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now