༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱.52_ 𐊱h𝘦 𝜜k𝛼𝓴𝘶𝚛օ 𝑘ⅈԁs

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Grade school class 1A

Everyone was getting ready for lunch, as usual, Kurosuke was chasing Akane and just do what she does but as he was about to sit and eat kurosuke was bump by his classmates and he fell on the floor

Girl: oh. Kuro-chan, I'm really sorry... We didn't see you
Girl2: sorry Kuro-chan

Kurosuke was already used to it, he just said "it's okay"
The girls left and Kurosuke was just sitting there looking sad
Yuuto came running in and reach out his hand to help Kurosuke up "are you okay, Kuro-chan"

Kurosuke blushes and nods
Then Akane came scolding kurosuke "quit being a pushover, this is the 5th time that happens if it hurts just say so... "

Kurosuke then starts tearing up as and say "I'm sorry Akachin"

Akane pats Kurosuke's head "Kuro-chan, you should stop being a shadow, don't worry Akane is here to help you"

Yuuto was watching and was looking at Akane, he was smiling  and he whispered to himself "she really is beautiful"

Akane turned around and thanked Yuuto for caring for his brother
Yuuto replied by putting his arm around kurosuke "don't worry about it, Kuro-chan is my best friend, right Kuro-chan?!"
Kurosuke blushes and wipes his tears and nods

Moments later
The 3 decided to eat their lunch together
Kurosuke loves tofu so Yuuto gave him all his tofu... Kurosuke was happy

Same school 4th grade, 4A


Hikari and Tetsuo were sitting across from each other

Tetsuo eating his lunch quietly then Hikari keep asking

Hikari: did uncle Tetsuya made that?
Tetsuo: yes *poker face*
Hikari: do you all have the same lunch?
Tetsuo: no, the twins have different lunch
Hikari:  *blushing* what kind of food Seiichiniichan eats?
Tetsuo: *poker face* he eats whatever mom cooks for him
Hikari: you're very lucky, you're mom is good at cooking *shows her bento* papa's cooking is edible but that is all
Tetsuo: *poker face, drinking his milk* my mom wasn't always good at cooking, Seiichi niisan says mom did his best in learning to cook, and uncle Ryouta is a model right, the last time I saw him at your house he was cooking, I could see he was having a hard time but he was smiling

Hikari smiled and said "yup, that's my papa alright, he can be an idiot most of the time but he always does his best "

Tetsuo pack up his lunch box and starts watching Aomine's basketball videos

Hikari: you really like basketball
Tetsuo: someday, I'll be a great forward
Hikari smile as he watches Tetsuo's face light up as he was enjoy looking at the game


Teiko middle school

Seiichi was with Shinichi
Shinichi was aware of their surrounding
But Seiichi isn't and was just busy reading his book
Shinichi: Sei, you do know a girl from another class are again here to see you
Seiichi look and saw a bunch of girls outside but they were like minding their own business
"I don't see it"

When Seiichi return to reading
And the girls proceeded to look
Shinichi *sigh* " never mind, so you ready for the game tomorrow?"
Seiichi smile "yes I am"

They heard girls shrieking
Again Seiichi look but the girls were acting busy outside
Shinichi find it amusing and asked Seiichi something and he was pretty loud about it "Sei, do ..you ...have... any ...plans... on ...finding ..a ...girlfriend?"

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now