𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 29: 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾

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Akashi wakes up and
He tries to get ready for work

he looks at the closet all his suit ready for the whole week.

He made breakfast and forgot it's just him today.

Before he could leave the lonely house for the day.  He smiled and like always thanked Tetsuya on his mind for the clean house for the clothes that are washed and ironed/ folded ready to be wear. he got into his car. A bit lonely knowing that when he returned home later... No one will be there


Tetsuya was up so early trying to make breakfast as Akashi does.

Tetsuya's dad was so amused that he recorded his son, Tetsuya's mom  was also hiding and taking pictures of Tetsuya

Seiichi wakes up and finds his grandma and grandpa "what are you doing grandma , grandpa"

Tetsuya's mom: shh. Seiichi...

Then Tetsuya comes out " mom... Dad?"

And the 2 runs away

meanwhile, Tetsuya greets Seiichi good morning asked if Tetsuo is awake
Seiichi answered no.

Seiichi went to the kitchen to find a lot of burned omelet
Tetsuya: mommy is sorry, I couldn't cook it as daddy did

Seiichi didn't show faced and try Tetsuya's omelet

Tetsuya: no... Seiichi, it's bad...

Seiichi smiled and said "it's good mommy, it's just burned"

Tetsuya's eyes widen and were glad of what he heard

Seiichi  then said "can you cooked it one more time mommy"

Tetsuya smiled and "yes.. I'll do my best"

Tetsuya burned the next one, he failed 4 times more but seeing Seiichi anxiously waiting made him try again
Until he finally made one that isn't burned

Seiichi happily eats it
Tetsuya smiled as Seiichi enjoys the food

then Tetsuya excuses himself to see Tetsuo upstairs

When Tetsuya got upstairs
Tetsuo has just woken up

Tetsuya carries him down
And sees Seiichi still eating his breakfast
Later the Tetsuya's parents join in

at the office
Akashi  was doing work but not as energetic as he usually does

Chihiro Noticed and asked, "did something happened to you?"

ogiwara who came in with Akashi's coffee...

Akashi then told the two what happened

Ogiwara was worried about Tetsuya
But Chihiro was not showing face to it

Later on

As Akashi was having a hard time concentrating on his work.
He calls tetsuya's house

and the one to pick it up was Tetsuya's dad
Akashi asked how his family is doing

Tetsuya's dad told akashi what happened this morning
Akashi smiled and glad to hear it.

suddenly akasho hears his son Seiichi's voice
Tetsuya's dad gave the phone to Seiichi

Seiichi then spoke "daddy, I miss you"

Akashi: I miss you too
Seiichi: mommy made me om..omyeleto...

Akashi:.was it good?

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now