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Akashi: kids, where's your mom?

Akane: mom said he is going shopping

Akashi: why didn't he asked me to come?..mmm

Kurosuke: he also said that you should stay home and make the best out of your vacation and rest

Akashi: I see...

Akashi look at the twins and said: "do you guys want to do something today?"

Akane: I can't, I have a photoshoot later dad
Akashi: what about you kurosuke?

Kurosuke: I have anime I want to finish since exam week is over dad, but your welcome to watch it with me

Akashi: sorry, I don't have that much endurance in watching TV all-day

Kurosuke: too bad

Akashi: where's Tetsuo?

Kurosuke: basketball practice with uncle Aomine

Akashi: I guess I could try having a conversation with Seiichi *calls Seiichi*

Moments later

Seiichi: *on the phone* sorry dad, I'm in the middle of a game... I'll call you later... Bye

*drop call*

Akashi: 4 kids and none of them are free?... *sigh*

Akashi looks at Kou-chan and said "I guess I could play with the cat"

Suddenly Kochan walk out of the house with another cat

Akashi: even the cat has something to do


Akashi went outside to go and take a dip in the pool but after a few minutes of swimming and he got bored

So he took a long bath and after he sat on the couch and reread some books
After he lay there... For hours waiting for at least one of his kids to be free

Suddenly Akane goes and says " I'm off to go to my photoshoot now dad"

Akashi: wait... I thought your mom will come to pick you up and be there in your photoshoot

Akane: mom is busy but doesn't worry uncle Kise will be there and grandpa's butler is here to drive me there and back

Akashi: mmm... You don't need the butler I can go with you

Akane: no...

Akashi: why not?

Akane: you will distract me from my photoshoot dad...

Akashi: but I won't let my princess go changing clothes and posing without parental supervision

Akane: don't worry dad.. Mom will be there he said... He's just gonna be late... Besides your instructed by mom to stay at home and rest... Bye now dad

Akane runs off to the car

Akashi: *whisper* This is why I want another baby.

Akashi imagines his time taking care of his 4 kids back when they were babies, he had this lonely yet smiling expression "how time fly"

Akashi lay down on the couch and put his arm on his eyes
He closed his eyes



( Dream )

Seiichi swimming lesson 4 years old
Seiichi: what if I drown dad?
Akashi: don't be silly, I'm here... I won't let that happen

Minutes later

Seiichi: *panting* I can swim🙌

Akashi: *lift him up* that's my boy

Tetsuo: *baby laugh*

Akashi: it's your turn next my little phantom... Someday

Tetsuya: *smiling*




Akane's first talent show

Akane: daddy I did it... I won
Akashi: of course since you're?
Akane: daddy's princess 🙌


Akashi: yes you are.




Kurosuke: 😭 I can't do it

Akashi: *hold kurosuke's hand* let's do it together then...

Kurosuke calms down a bit
And took his first step on the beach
And suddenly water splashes on him and made him fall

Akashi did not let go of his hand ... And kurosuke laugh

Akashi: see it's not scary

Kurosuke blushes and nods

The two continue to walk towards the water

Tetsuya takes a photo of them and later
Went to follow them with Akane on his back









( dream over)

Akashi opens his eyes and smells something good
He walked towards the kitchen and sees Tetsuya and the kids

Tetsuya looks at him "you're awake, I was about to wake you up... Dinner is ready"

*phone rings*

Akashi answers it was Seiichi saying " you finally pick up dad... Did you fall asleep again *laughs* anyway thanks for calling me that time it really calms my nerves during the game... Why did you call anyway?... Everything okay there?."

Akashi smile "everything is great"

Seiichi: let me guess... Dinner is starting there... Let's talk again soon .. I was about to eat too... Stay healthy dad... Say hi to mom and everyone there for me

Akashi: later then son

*end call*

Tetsuya came and kiss Akashi on the lips "let's go and eat?"

Akashi: *nods*





The kids go and greet good night to Akashi
And moments later

Tetsuya cuddle with Akashi on the bed  with you chan near their feet

Akashi said "it's really lonely not having you around"

Tetsuya: really? Sorry if I left you alone

Akashi: *holds Tetsuya close* you make everything complete...

Tetsuya smile " thank you"



And thus the two fell asleep with a smile on their face



𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 ℱ𝑜𝓇 ℛ𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔

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