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one rainy day

Seiichi, Tetsuya, and Tetsuo were at the living room floor

Tetsuya placed covers and pillows on the floor so that they can all play and rest there

After a hours of playing

Seiichi and Tetsuo fell asleep

Tetsuya look at them sleep do peacefully

as the rain falls down hard

He stands and looked outside
Tetsuya closed his eyes

As he remembers something


It was 2 months after the wedding
as they were happily strolling around
The weather changed

And the rain falls down on them

Seijuro and Tetsuya ran to a nearby inn, it was a small inn...But it'll do for now

They check-in...

receptionist: will that be a 2 bed or 2 separate bedrooms?

Akashi smile: no... just one bed in a bedroom...

The receptionist blushed "I see... Okay sir"



A few minutes later

Tetsuya: we could get the 2 beds in a bedroom Sei..seijuro kun

Akashi: still not used to it?

Akashi then starts to take Tetsuya's button off
Tetsuya turns red and shyly said "no... I'll do it.."

Akashi kiss Tetsuya's nose and said "Tetsuya, I'm your husband now... let me take care of you"

Tetsuya: I'm sorry... I'm just

Akashi smiled "okay... let's take these wet clothes off ... And dry off"

Akashi: you can go take a shower first, I'm just gonna go down to ask for a hot drink

And Akashi leaves

as Tetsuya was taking a shower he remembers Akashi's disappointed face
Tetsuya sigh

After the shower

He found the complimentary pajamas for a couple

He put one on
And waited for Akashi

When Akashi came, Akashi happily greeted him but Akashi head to the shower

After taking a shower

Akashi went to the other side of the bed and dry off his hair

Tetsuya try to start a conversation
Akashi did not act strange and answered him normally

After drying his hair

Akashi kissed Tetsuya on the forehead and lay on his side of the bed

Tetsuya closed the lights and lay beside Akashi

For some reason, it was so cold
Tetsuya slides a bit to Akashi
Slowly that Akashi won't be awake

But to his surprised

Akashi suddenly hugged him from the back
Tetsuya: did... I wake you

Akashi: no... I was waiting for you

Tetsuya: Sei... seijuro kun, do you regret marrying me?

Akashi hugged Tetsuya tighter "Never..."

Tetsuya: I see, Seijuro kun if you want... Please hold me

Akashi: I am...

Tetsuya turns facing Akashi "no... I mean"

Akashi then stop Tetsuya by kissing him on the lips
Akashi: I know what you mean... but I won't do it

Akashi brings Tetsuya closer to him

tetsuya's head on his chest

Akashi: I want to hold you like this ...
Tetsuya: I love you Akashi kun

Akashi smiles "me too... Kuroko"

rainfall hard...

Akashi and Tetsuya fell asleep not letting go of each other

The next day

They went back to their home
and made love for the first time

( the sexy moment will be in a different chapter 😘)

---end of flashback---

As Tetsuya was finishing his flashback of that moment...
Akashi was right behind him.

Akashi kissed Tetsuya on the neck gently

Akashi: what were you thinking of?

Tetsuya hold Akashi's hand and said "just remembering the day when we first made love"

Akashi: I see... The day when you were so nervous

Tetsuya: that time when I finally stop calling you by your last name and faced you as my husband

Akashi: well...can I have a kiss?

Tetsuya turn around and Akashi put Tetsuya's hand on his shoulder and as they sway side by side like they were dancing

Tetsuya on his tiptoe kissed Akashi
And they smiled
Akashi: it was also that day when we started this never-ending kiss

Tetsuya kiss Akashi again
Akashi: oh no

Tetsuya: what?

Akashi: I've fallen in love with you again

Tetsuya frown at that corny line but he still loves it



Tetsuya and Akashi was on the floor sleeping
When Tetsuo and Seiichi wakes up
Seiichi try balancing his toys on his mommy's face and Tetsuo drools on his daddy's faced

SHOUTOUT to shadowfiction02 for sending me her Fanart of Seiichi and Tetsuo

Love it :)

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