𝚩𝖺𝐛𝝲 𝑺𝕚𝙩𝓉е𝒓

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Akashi was overseas and Tetsuya had to go out for a day.

Seiichi has basketball practice
So Aomine and Kise volunteer to babysat
The last they babysit the only kid is Seiichi

Now they have to take care 4 children


Hikari and Tetsuo is busy watching TV
So they did not have a problem with them

Akane was so active after Kise let her eat ice cream because she won't stop crying

Kise was on the ground chasing her and playing with her

Aomine could not stop kurosuke from crying

Then Hikari starts an argument with Tetsuo
Kise carrying Hikari went and stop Hikari

Kise: 😭how can Kurokocchi and Akashicchi do this?!

Aomine : *baby talk* what's the matter Kuro... Please stop crying

Tetsuo goes and gives Kuro his blanket
Kuro stops crying

Aomine: thanks Chibi tetsu
Tetsuo: I think he is hungry

Hikari: Tetschan you can't just ignore me

Kise: hikari chan... Relax

Tetsuo: *sigh* no... I won't give you a picture of Seiichi niisan

Hikari: come on...
Akane Hears
Akane then bites kise.. Kise lets her go

Akane goes and glares at Hikari "what do you want from Seiichiniichan?

Hikari: Akane chan?

Tetsuo then said " Hikari, I think you should stop"

Akane: I will not let you touch Seiichiniichan 😡

Hikari: right~😕

Aomine feeding Kurosuke
Kurosuke cries

Tetsuo went and taste the food  and he sigh

Kise: what should we do?

Tetsuo: switch... Uncle Aomine, Uncle Ryouta

Aomine & Kise: okay?

Kise went wipe Kurosuke's mouth and made him pudding
Kurosuke slightly smile and eat quietly

Aomine separated Akane and Hikari
Hikari was not allowed by Aomine to have Seiichi's picture
And Aomine Enjoys playing with Hikari who is still very active


Seiichi comes home

The kids run to him he fell down laughing
Hikari could not dare touch him... She was just being shy and blushing
Tetsuo looks annoyed
Seiichi greets Tetsuo by patting his head and hugging him
Tetsuo tries to push him away  "Seiichi-niisan, I'm too old for this"
Seiichi teases him and Tetsuo blushes
Akane blushing as he looks at his 2 big brother

Hikari sits there jealous of Tetsuo being so close to Seiichi

Seiichi looks at the mess in the house and he smiled "we're there a storm here?"

Kise: sorry about this ... Seiichi-chi the twins were too active

Seiichi: don't worry, they can be like that, mom will understand

Aomine: imagine Tetsu is doing this Everyday
Seiichi starts tidy things up " mom look so gentle but actually, he has a way of making all of us behave, we call it phantom love"

Aomine : *laughs* did you guys ever made him mad?

Seiichi, Tetsuo, Akane: *having flashbacks* all them turn blue

Kurosuke: *clueless*

Seiichi: let's just say... We never wanna see that side again

*door opens*

Tetsuya enters "I'm home, sorry I took so long"

Akane: mama🙌

Kurosuke: *shy* mama

Tetsuya smile and hug them

Seiichi and Tetsuo hugs him

Tetsuya thanked Aomine and Kise
Tetsuya greets Hikari and pats her shoulder


Tetsuya made dinner for everyone
Aomine and Kise left the Akashi residence with whole new respect to Tetsuya

The next day

Aomine and Kise came again to keep Tetsuya company or just help out so he can take breaks

Tetsuya appreciated them so much

( thanks for reading)


Seiichi showing the twins piano
Akane practice for a while and get tired

Kuro was just staring and afraid to play

Tetsuo: kuro-chan just try it
Seiichi: it's okay ... We don't have to force him

Seiichi was about to carry him away
When Kuro suddenly touch pushes one key
Kuro blushes
He starts playing... Until he was able to make the same sound Seiichi did

Tetsuo: oi, this is his first try, right?

Kuro stops
And blushes and then got shy again he runs away

Seiichi smile and  starts playing "interesting.."

Kuro runs to his mom and hugs his legs, his heart was still beating... He can't believe he try something new

Tetsuya was already used to Kuro constantly running to him, whenever he finishes doing something for the first time

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now