𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 21: N͜͡e͜͡w͜͡ ͜͡h͜͡o͜͡u͜͡s͜͡e͜͡

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Tetsuya: thanks for coming guys

Chihiro: we can't let a pregnant person carry heavy stuff so ...

Ogiwara: how is your pregnancy so far, Kuroko?

Tetsuya: it's getting heavy but I'm fine

Ogiwara: we haven't been here for a long time, I'm glad you finally adjust to your life now

Chihiro: too bad your gonna adjust some more... moving house in the middle of the year.. really

Akashi: the house was a bit delayed, it's better to move in soon than never

Midorima: where are Kise and Aomine

Akashi: they are not allowed in this house for a while so we won't be expecting them

Midorima: did they do something stupid again?

Murasakibara: sei-chin

Seiichi: muu-chan 😆

Tetsuya: I guess ill be leaving Seiichi in your care for a while murasakibara kun

Murasakibara already hugging Seiichi



Meters away from the house

Kise: (T_T) Seiichi-chi

Aomine: they were serious about that 6 months thing...




a few hours later

Ogiwara: alright! we are here... Its time to unpack

Akashi: we don't have to worry about that guys...

Tetsuya: Masaomi san I mean Seijuro kun's father... Sent some of his butlers and maids to help us unpack and tidy things up

Sebastian: master Seijuro, no need for any help we'll be done before the day ends

Akashi: it's nice to see you too Sebastian

Sebastian: the maid will be with your snacks later... Have a nice rest Mrs Akashi

Tetsuya: thanks...

Akashi: Sebastian has been my butler for a long time... I guess he's a bit glad to be able to do this... Ever since I left the mansion he's been asking me if he could help with anything

Tetsuya smiled "that would mean you've been a great master for him"

Akashi: he was my only friend growing up


Seiichi approach Sebastian and gives him a flower saying "Arigatou, giant man"

Sebastian accepts the flower "you're welcome, young master"

as the butlers and maids were busy unpacking and making the house ready

Akashi and the others were at the garden hanging out

Tetsuya on the other hand was at the outdoor recliner chair taking an afternoon nap

Ogiwara: this house is a lot bigger than your last one, it has everything you need... how much did it cost

Akashi smile "a couple of millions but I was planning to have our dream house since the beginning anyway"

Chihiro:.as expected... When it comes to Tetsuya nothing is too grand

Midorima: but are you sure you don't want to know the gender of the baby again

Akashi: as much as we want to... We want to be surprised again like last time

Chihiro: isn't midorima your family doctor

Midorima: partly... I'm only one of their doctors

Murasakibara playing horsey with Seiichi

at night

Sebastian: sorry if we took so long, it is ready sir

Ogiwara: long? I think they were pretty fast

When they went in some of the furniture were new

Sebastian: master masaomi send this as a present for Tetsuya-sama

Tetsuya: me?

Sebastian: yes... Being part of the Akashi family this is only customary 

Akashi: thanks for the help... Tell my father... We'll come to visit him

Sebastian: he'll love that...

Ogiwara: I guess we should go now

Sebastian: master seijuro's friends please have dinner here... We've prepared so much

Murasakibara: okay

Ogiwara: you heard the big guy...




Later before leaving

Sebastian gave Akashi something...

Akashi was surprised

Sebastian: You forgot this... ( the first basketball Akashi's mother gave to him)
Akashi: thanks

And then Sebastian gave Tetsuya a piece of paper

Tetsuya: what is this

( list of Akashi's favorite dishes)

Sebastian: take care of your health... And take care of master for me

And finally, Sebastian took a stuffed toy from his bag and gave it to Seiichi

Seiichi hugged it
Sebastian: it's your daddy's first and only stuffed animal

Akashi smile "see you again old friend"

Sebastian bows and left

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At the kitchen in the middle of the night

Akashi sees Tetsuya holding a knife

Akashi: what... Tetsuya?

Tetsuya smiling " I'm gonna make a lot of Seijuro kun's favorite dishes"

Akashi: greeeeeaaaat 😓😓😓

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now