༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 93

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Tetsuo woke up in a good mood

Tetsuya: you seem excited for today

Tetsuo: I'm gonna join practice

Akashi: Are you in the first string or second?

Tetsuo: the captain said ill be joining the first string during games but ill be practicing with the second string for a month to improve my stamina

Akashi: why don't you go with me when I jogging every morning?

Akane: are you going jogging dad?

Akashi: yes I do... I have to be physically fit for mommy

Akane: can I go with you ... I think I'm getting fat

Tetsuya: no your not... You have my metabolism

Akashi: I agree... You look perfect, princess. But if you can wake up early then you may join me

Tetsuo: I guess I can try too...

Tetsuya look at Akashi who is happy that Tetsuo agree to have one thing to have a bond on


Kurosuke just woke up "morning"

Tetsuya: well looks like someone just got out of bed, you 3 will be late soon so kurosuke I pack a sandwich as your breakfast, eat it while at the bus...pick up your lunchbox before going to school

Kids: yes mom...

Moments later...

The kids were gone
And Akashi goes and pulled Tetsuya for a kiss "another day of work..."

Tetsuya kisses Akashi "charging complete"
Akashi smile and hold Tetsuya's hips close he whispers "looks like you recovered from yesterday already"

Tetsuya: and I see you're very lively down there

Akashi: sorry about that... I can't help it

Tetsuya: must be all the stamina training you doing...,*smirked*

Akashi: *slides hands from hips to Tetsuya's ass* we still have an hour... So...

Tetsuya grabs Akashi's hand and pulls him upstairs "we can't let your suit to get dirty so... *blushes* let's take it to where we can take it all off"

Akashi excited he carried Tetsuya to their room...

And for about an hour the two made love...



Over an hour later...




In the car

Before Tetsuya goes inside his school
He goes and tells Akashi  "I don't want you to go dramatic about this so I waited when we are outside so..."

Akashi: what is it?

Tetsuya: the new captain of teiko is a son of... nash

Akashi: nash?... Gold?

Tetsuya: yes...

Akashi: oh

Tetsuya: *breathes in relief* thank goodness you're taking this calmly

Akashi immediately adjusts Tetsuya's sit to make him lie down while he goes and kisses him... Taking Tetsuya's breath away

Tetsuya lightly pushes Akashi away so he can breath
Akashi : *upset* I never wanted to hear you say that name again...

Tetsuya: Seijuro kun? *sees Akashi's jealous face*

Tetsuya grabs Akashi's face and smile before kissing him

A few minutes later...

Tetsuya: are you okay now?

Akashi: I guess... Every time I hear you say his name... I remember that time
Tetsuya: that was a long time ago...
Akashi: still, that was the 2nd time I mess up, I almost lost you




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At practice...

Tetsuo overwhelmed by the training of the basketball team
He almost vomited...

Suddenly Shiro came and gave him a towel "you okay?"

Tetsuo accepts a towel and answers "I guess... I've just used training at my own pace "

Shiro: well, you doing better than I thought you would

Tetsuo: ,mm?

Shiro: I thought you'll pass out after 2 hours but here you are just almost ... If you need any help I'm the other court don't hesitate to call me

Tetsuo: Uhm... Can I ask... Why are you being nice to me?

Shiro looks at Tetsuo and lean his head close to his face and said: "do you really wanna know the reason?"

Tetsuo mesmerized by Shiro's golden eyes
Shiro whispers something to Tetsuo and Tetsuo's face turns red...




( thanks for reading)



Shiro Gold
(White Gold)

Age: 14

Birthday: Dec. 30

Gender: male Alpha

He is a straight-A student

Father: Nash Gold
Mother: unknown
(Parents never got married, Nash didn't want to be tied down to any girl so he became a single father)

Hobby: basketball
He is the student council president... He literally took over everything Seiichi left when he graduated

He is a fan of  Akashi Seijuro ( secretly)

Interest: Tetsuo Akashi

Goal: making a new generation of miracles





See you next week 😘
For the next update

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now