༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 65

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Tetsuya: Akane, Kurosuke

Twins: yes mom

Tetsuya: ill be going out for a few minutes, take care of each other


Tetsuya: I'm counting on you too. Nigou

Moments later...

Akane: everything is lock...

Kurosuke: really?

Akane: *thumbs up* don't worry we're safe

Kurosuke hugging nigou...


Akane: come on nigou

Kurosuke hides at the corner

Akane shouts "who is it?"


Akane slowly opens the door...

A big man stands in front of her "hi there little girl... I've got a mail from your parents."

Akane: can I receive it?

Mailman: aren't there anyone here that can receive it?

Akane: my mom went out for a while... He will be back

Mailman: I see... Then ill come back later then... Tell him I came by

Akane: okay...

Mailman walks away
Akane closes the door and locks it..." Yosh nigou, stand down... No danger"


Kurosuke: is it safe?


Akane shouts "who is it?"

Kise: it's me

Akane opens the door "moms not here"

Kise: Eh? You're alone

Akane: nigou is with us


Kise: I see


Nigou runs out

It was Tetsuya coming home "kise kun?"

Kise: kuroko-chi.

A few minutes later.

Akane and Kurosuke were playing peacefully

The mailman comes back and finally delivers the package to Tetsuya...

Mailman: the young lady and the dog were very brave answering the door... The dog was ready to attack me if ever I touch the girl... You train it well... The girl was really careful. She keeps our distance perfectly...

Tetsuya: I'm glad they did great... Thank you for your hard work

Mailman: no problem... You have some cute kids.

Akane: we did well?

Tetsuya: you did great...

Kurosuke: I was only hiding

Tetsuya: don't worry little prince... *touch cheek* your courage will come out at the right time...

Kurosuke: someday I'll protect Akane too

Akane: I'm counting on that




When the twins were born, unlike Tetsuo and Seiichi, Akashi and Tetsuya had to take care of 2 babies at the same time
3 am
( twins 0-year-old)


Tetsuya sits up "what's wrong little prince?"

Akashi: is it kurosuke again?

Tetsuya *feeding Kurosuke*
"He really can't calm down for long hours"

Akashi: Akane?

Tetsuya: it's night she's not very active

Tetsuya kiss Akashi on the cheek "you can go back to sleep I'll take care of it"

Akashi sleeps

5 am

Kurosuke finally fell asleep
Tetsuya snuggle back to Akashi

6 am

*Akane wakes up crying*

Tetsuya wakes up again Akashi stops him and said "go and sleep some more... I'll take care of it"

Tetsuya fell asleep again

7 am

Akashi wakes Tetsuya

Moments later

Tetsuya kiss the twins good morning, went to greet Seiichi and Tetsuo as well

Moments later
Akashi leaves with Seiichi and Tetsuo to school

Tetsuya *yawning* "take care "

After 2 weeks


Tetsuya answers
Kise and Aomine shows up
Tetsuya: Oh it's you

Kise: kuroko-chi?!😱
Aomine: Tetsu that's a mighty eyebags you got there

Tetsuya sits down "keep it quiet for a while the twins just went to sleep"

Aomine: guess it's not easy having twins

Tetsuya: it's hard * look at the twins and smiled* but it's worth it








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Akane: da.....da....dada
Akashi: Akane just said her first word
Kurosuke: ma..mwa..mwa..mama
Akashi: kurosuke too
Tetsuya fast asleep *snoring

Seiichi and Tetsuo kiss him at the same time "good night mom"

Akashi stroke his twins face and said "your mommy did a great job"

Akane laughs and Kurosuke reaching out his little hand

Moments later

Tetsuya suddenly wakes up but his family was all asleep surrounding him

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now