༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 55

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Continuing ....

Akashi wakes up and when he heads downstairs he started hearing crying...

What he saw was Takao being calm down by Tetsuya

As Takao continue crying
Tetsuya went to the kitchen to get more water

Akashi follows Tetsuya
Akashi: what is happening?

Tetsuya: Midorima kun and Kazu kun seems to have an argument as well
Akashi: I see

Tetsuya kisses Akashi good morning and said: "Can you handle the kids for a few minutes..."

Akashi replied with a kiss on the forehead and a gentle " okay... No problem "

When Tetsuya went back to Takao... Takao had stopped crying, Tetsuya gave him some more water
Then Takao started saying "must be nice having a Husband that hears you"

Tetsuya: what do you mean, Midorima kun he...

Takao: I lost him Tetsu-chan... My cute tsundere Shinchan is gone, these past few years Shin-chan goes to doctor parties, reunions, after-work drinking and overseas medical mission, he starts earning more, being recognized more... We rarely get to see him and when he does come... he is still working and now he is pressuring Shinichi to be a perfect Alpha... Once he told me that Shinichi is just  playing around when he could concentrate on being the best

Tetsuya: what about you Kazu Kun, what do you think

Takao smile and said "my cute Shinichi, he is working hard... Trying to meets his father's expectation ... He loves basketball as we did... He sometimes forgets to do his homework because he is out practicing free throws... And gets excited to have Shin-chan see it but Shin-chan never did... But Shinichi never stop, and last night Shin-chan told Shinichi to quit playing if he can't raise his school grades"

Tetsuya: that's...

*ball drop*

Takao and Tetsuya looked and It was Seiichi who just came home looking surprised

Seiichi then said, "is that true Uncle Kazu, maybe that's why Shinichi is..."

Takao: why... What happened to Shinichi?

Tetsuya: Seiichi what did I say about ...

Seiichi bows and said "oh... I'm sorry mom I interrupted your conversation, it's just that... In today's game, Shinichi was playing worse than he ever has and Uncle Shintaro he kinda saw it ... And I didn't hear it but they look like they were arguing "

Takao then excuses himself "Thanks for listening, Tetsu chan. But I have to..."

Tetsuya: I understand

Seiichi then looked worried, Tetsuya then said "we can't do anything it's a family problem"

Seiichi: but I mom... Shinichi is my best friend

Tetsuya: I know... But...

Akashi comes in with Tetsuo
Akashi then said "I wouldn't say midorima is wrong... Grades are still important... But I guess Teiko tsundere prince lost his way... Don't worry I bet Midorima just wants Shinichi to step up his game

Tetsuya: are you sure? Cause it sounds like

Akashi pats Tetsuo's head and said: " sometimes it's tough love for parents and kids should just try ..."

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now