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As Akashi is teaching Seiichi

Tetsuo is walking around following Tetsuya
Tetsuo always asking to be carried and since he is doing chores he is multitasking

Akashi watches as Tetsuya balances his work and taking care of Tetsuo
Akashi smiled as he watches

Seiichi: you know dad if I had yen everytime you look at mom, id probably be very rich right now

Akashi: mmm, do I really look at him that much?

Seiichi nods as he keeps reading his book

Akashi messes Seiichi's hair and said, "you're quite observant aren't you!?"

Seiichi pouts as he fixes his hair

Akashi stands up and said, "now that you studied so much, how about we play?"

Seiichi calmly gets up and follow Akashi out in the backyard

Seiichi and Akashi played basketball
And seeing that Seiichi is trying so hard Akashi smirked as he does not hold back

Seiichi frustrated he tries to read his father's move but to no avail, Akashi could read his every move more

After the game
Seiichi was exhausted while Akashi only seem to have a warm-up

Akashi: not bad my son

Seiichi: let's play again

Akashi: maybe tomorrow ...

Seiichi pouts

Akashi: don't worry I won't hold back again tomorrow

Seiichi smile as he follows Akashi inside the house

Tetsuya  gave them a towel for their sweats

Seiichi runs to his room to take a shower and change...

Tetsuya takes off Akashi's shirt to put in the laundry

Akashi: where is Tetsuo?

Tetsuya: in his crib, he got tired following me... How was the game?

Akashi kisses Tetsuya "great, he kinda reminds me of you ..."

Tetsuya: mmm?

Akashi: he was so cute, trying so hard to beat me

Tetsuya *wiping Akashi's sweat* "really when I took a peek a few hours ago... I saw a little Seijuro"

Akashi: I wish I had that kind of play when I was a kid

Tetsuya: isn't that great that Seiichi took interest in basketball

Akashi: I'm just happy he is having fun

Tetsuya looking at Akashi's smile " I'm glad Seijuro fun is having fun too"

Akashi kisses Tetsuya's forehead "now... I guess I'll take a shower"

In the evening

Seiichi fell asleep while reading, Tetsuo wanted Akashi to carry him as he sleeps

As Tetsuya kiss Seiichi good night
He left Akashi as he makes Tetsuo sleep

An hour later
Akashi went to their room, thinking Tetsuya is asleep
He tries to be quiet

Akashi gently get in their bed and kiss Tetsuya good night

And as Akashi was getting comfortable
Tetsuya suddenly hugs him

Akashi: I thought you were asleep

Tetsuya blushing " I couldn't sleep"

Akashi: I'm glad...
Tetsuya lay his head on Akashi's chest
Akashi puts his hand on Tetsuya's chin and tilted it up so he could kiss his lips

Tetsuya: you're going back to work tomorrow right?

Akashi: only in the morning, ill be back in the afternoon... I promised to play Seiichi again

Tetsuya hugs Akashi tight and shyly said "I know Seijuro kun is tired from playing but I want to... I mean it's been 3 days and ..."

Akashi stands up and walks to the door
Locks it and look at Tetsuya
Tetsuya sitting on the bed blushing and the moon shines through the window

Akashi walks towards Tetsuya as he removes his shirt

Tetsuya slowly lie down as Akashi gets on top of him
Akashi: I thought I was the only one who is pent up

Akashi takes Tetsuya's hand and licks it
He puts Tetsuya's hand on his d*** "see, just saying you want to do it make me this hard already"

Tetsuya *gulp*

Akashi then removes Tetsuya's pajamas and underwear off

Kisses him and starts preparing him
Tetsuya then said, "can you put it in?"

Akashi's eyes widen as he was surprised to hear that
Akashi then reaches for the condom on their bedside drawer
And as he was opening it, Tetsuya stops him and said "it's okay..."

Akashi kisses Tetsuya "damn it"

Akashi hugs Tetsuya as Tetsuya felt something he never felt for a long time

Tetsuya's tears fall as he can feel Akashi entering him "it... It hurts..."

Akashi tries to pull out...but Tetsuya smiled even though it hurts "it's okay... Seijuro kun"

Akashi: you really exceeded my expectation... You really are the best


Akashi pulls out and prepared Tetsuya a few minutes later he thrust to him again


Morning came

Tetsuya look at himself and in the mirror covered with Akashi's kiss mark and his lower half still aching

Akashi came kissing him and luring him to the shower

Akashi pinning both Tetsuya's hand up
Tetsuya: good morning

Akashi: good morning

The two continue their lovemaking for 1 more hour


( thanks for reading :) )

( if you don't want a teaser for the future chapter don't scroll down... But if you're okay with that. Then feel free to scroll down :))








Peek into the future:

Seiichi 16, Tetsuo 12

Seiichi: why are you avoiding me?!

Tetsuo: because... I hate you

Seiichi: Tetsuo?...

Tetsuo throws a basketball on Seiichi's face "go away" Tetsuo runs away

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now