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the first day Tetsuya will be a full-time housewife...

Tetsuya woke up earlier than everyone

he had a smile on his face. he sits up and kiss Seijuro on the forehead light enough that it won't wake him

He got ready for the day, made breakfast, and was ready to wake up everyone

but as he was finishing setting up the table

Seijuro came from behind Tetsuya and kiss him on the neck and said " good morning"

Tetsuya smiled and said "I was just about to wake you up"

Seijuro hold Tetsuya closed and said "I noticed you weren't beside me and I was lonely, thanks for making breakfast"

Tetsuya turn around and look at Seijuro and said " starting today I'll be just a full-time housewife, 'll get better at taking care of all of you"

Seijuro smile and kiss Tetsuya on the cheek "you don't have to prove anything, but I am happy that making us your priority than your career"

Tetsuya look at Seijuro's eyes and smiled

"what?" Seijuro asked while smiling

Tetsuya then said "you look different "

Seijuro: how so?

Tetsuya: my heart is beating so fast

Seijuro: how do I look to you, Tetsuya?

Tetsuya: you look more like a father now

Seijuro: what?

Tetsuya: you look really handsome and mature now

Seijuro smiles and leans towards Tetsuya, he whispered: " do you want to know what you look like right now?"

"Mmm?" Tetsuya look at Seijuro's lips as it moves

Seijuro softly said "you look like .... a cinnamon roll"

Tetsuya looks at Seijuro with a puzzled look " Cinna...mon... roll...?"

Seijuro kiss Tetsuya on the lips and said "I just want to eat you up, and leave nothing behind "

Tetsuya put his arm around Seijuro 's shoulder as the two enjoy a morning sweet kisses

A few minutes later

Seiichi comes in and said "good morning"

Seijuro and Tetsuya greeted him "good morning"

and Seijuro and Seiichi enjoys their breakfast

Tetsuya went upstairs to check on Tetsuo

when he saw Tetsuo already awake he picks him up and they both went downstairs

as the family enjoys their breakfast and Tetsuo is still trying to mimic his big brother

Seijuro got a call from the office

so he has to hurry

Seiichi leave the table with manners and said "I'll be going to mom"

Tetsuya: but your school doesn't start for about 1 half-hour

Seiichi softly replies" in helping out the school library "

Tetsuya: okay... call me after school

Seiichi: It's okay mom, I can go home with dad

Tetsuya: we'll be going to your grandfather on the weekends so...

Seiichi smile and said " okay mom... see you"

Tetsuya sees Seijuro and Seiichi go

Tetsuo was a bit upset

but Tetsuya eventually calm him down and Tetsuya played with Tetsuo before doing some chores

a few hours later

as Tetsuya was putting out the laundry

Tetsuo was playing out the garden when he came across Seiichi's old basketball toy

a few minutes later

Tetsuya was stopped by Tetsuo voice

when he looked back he saw Tetsuo happily shooting the ball on the little basket

no one has ever taught Tetsuo about basketball or he hasn't even been exposed to it

when Seiichi was the same age the only thing he did with the ball was run around with it and kick it by accident

but Tetsuo is different he is like playing basketball and was happily shooting the ball through the hoops

Tetsuya sat beside Tetsuo and asked him " what are you doing tets chan?"

Tetsuo runs towards the ball and pick it up, hugged it, and smile at Tetsuya as he said " ball"

and Tetsuo throws the ball to the hoop and it went in

Tetsuya smiled and praised him

to run to it again but this time he gives the ball to Tetsuya

Tetsuya lightly pass the ball to Tetsuo and Tetsuo laughs as he happily throws it again

Tetsuya was so amused by Tetsuo enjoying the game that he played with him for 2 hours

later Tetsuo git tired and sleeps

Tetsuya put him to bed after changing his clothes

before getting back to his chores he sends the picture he took to Seijuro's phone

meanwhile, Seijuro sends Tetsuya a picture too, Seiichi speaking in front of the class, and Seiichi reading a big book in Seijuro's office

Tetsuya smiles he develops them and put them on their family album

After school

Tetsuya picks up Seiichi and Tetsuo jumps at Seiichi happy to see him

Tetsuo cuddles with Seiichi as they head to Seijuro's office

they all went to the Akashi's main mansion for the first time as a family

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Happy Akakuro week 😽

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now