𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 38

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At the shore

Tetsuo and Seiichi were looking a small crab walking

When Seijuro and Tetsuya were holding hands walking towards them

Tetsuo starts crawling following the crab

Seiichi stops him when he was getting near the water

Seijuro sat on their picnic blanket
Tetsuya picks up Tetsuo

Tetsuya: do you want to go swimming
Tetsuo nods

Seiichi sits on his dad's lap
Tetsuya takes off his jacket
And carried Tetsuo as they dip into the water

Seijuro: don't you want to join them?

Seiichi suddenly fell asleep leaning his head on Seijuro's chest

Seijuro then place Seiichi under the umbrella
Letting him sleep "it was a long journey... Rest well little prince"

A few minutes later

Tetsuya and Tetsuo walk back to where Seijuro and Seiichi were
Tetsuya put Tetsuo down and Tetsuo runs towards Seijuro
Seijuro covers him with a towel and dries him off
And then Seijuro was surprised that Tetsuo also fell asleep

Tetsuya: they sure hang in there
Seijuro puts Tetsuo beside Seiichi and covers him with a dry towel

Tetsuya: the water was nice...  You should go and swim Seijuro kun, ill watch the kids

Seijuro then stands up and picks up Tetsuya
And carried him to the water

And when they fell down
Tetsuya was on top of Seijuro
Seijuro laughs
Tetsuya pouts "that was really dangerous Seijuro kun"

Seijuro brushing up his hair "didn't think I can still carry you this far. I guess working out pays off"

Tetsuya: the kids...

Seijuro grabs Tetsuya by the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss "join me for a second, we'll stay here where we could see the clearly"

Tetsuya sits on seijuro's stomach and blushes
Seijuro touches Tetsuya's stomach and went for his hips "you took care of your body as well it is as fit as it was before"

Tetsuya: I don't want Seijuro kun to get tired of me
Seijuro sits up and kisses Tetsuya's neck whispered to him "trust me... Even if you get fat I'm still gonna eat you up... I'll never get tired of your taste"

Tetsuya then realized something was poking him down there

When he looks at Seijuro he was smirking
Tetsuya: why did you get to turn on this early?

Seijuro: I was holding back for 2 weeks...

Tetsuya: hold it back we can't do it here. We are outside

Seijuro then whispered something to Tetsuya
Tetsuya turn red and he nods

Tetsuya and Seijuro walked a little bit further towards the deeper part of the ocean

Tetsuya put his arm around Seijuro and cling to him closely
As Seijuro takes care of his business with the help of Tetsuya
Tetsuya was looking out to the kids
Trying to not make any noise to make them suspicious

A few minutes later

They were both refreshed
And head back to the kids
Tetsuya holding Seijuro's hand he was still blushing

Seiichi wakes up
As Seijuro was helping Tetsuya by cooling off

Seiichi are you, okay mom... You are very red
Tetsuya: it must be the sun. That's it. It's only the sun

Seijuro: did you sleep well?
Seiichi: I want to go swimming

Seijuro: great. Let's go

Tetsuya  lay back "have fun"

Moments later

"Tetsuya... San?"

Tetsuya opened his eyes and saw Fumiko standing there in her bikini "Fumiko San?"

Fumiko: I can't believe it. You guys are here too

Tetsuya: ye..yes.

Seijuro comes back with Seiichi to get the beach ball

Seijuro: Fumiko?

Fumiko: Seijuro San. Hi

And suddenly Fumiko and Seijuro were chatting and smiling

Tetsuya: 😡



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(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now