༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱.73

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*Akashi and Tetsuya kissing*





Akashi: how are you feeling?

Tetsuya: better

Akashi puts a robe on Tetsuya "We should get ready the kids will be back from their weekend with their grandparents"

Tetsuya stands up holding Akashi's hand luring him to the shower

as they were showering

Tetsuya: I can't believe we spend 2 days just doing that

Akashi: * kisses Tetsuya* we did stop for almost a month but if we were younger i bet we could do it for more days

Tetsuya blushing "Bakashi"

a few seconds later

Tetsuya: Seijuro kun *soaping Akashi*

Akashi: mm?

Tetsuya: I think it's still throbbing * blushing * let us not hold back for a month again...

Akashi: *kisses Tetsuya's neck* noted ....* smirked*

moments later ...

Tetsuo: we're back

Tetsuya: welcome back

Akashi: how was your weekend?

Tetsuo: grandpa (masaomi) tries to cook us dinner but he burns it

Akane: you should see the maid's reaction dad...*laughing*

Akashi: you should have taken a photo

Kurosuke shows his phone " I did " blushing

Tetsuya: too bad you didn't get to spend time with my parents

Akane: Grandma and grandpa said that too when they called us... they are unfortunate but we said we'll be going there next month

Tetsuya: are they free?

Akane: yup

Tetsuo: I'm hungry, we overslept and had to miss breakfast at grandpa

Tetsuya: your daddy maid pancakes it's on the table

* kids run to dining room*

Akashi kisses Tetsuya again, touches his butt

Tetsuya : *blushing * what are you doing the kids are here

Akashi: *smirked* I just wanna see you blushing again

Tetsuya: didn't you already have so much view of it when we were doing it for the last 2 days

Akashi: I never get tired of it


Tetsuo comes "mom, dad...aren't you gonna eat with us?"

Akashi: later... I'm too busy eating your mom

Tetsuya: *pinches Akashi* Seijuro kun

Tetsuo: are you a cannibal now dad?

Tetsuya takes Tetsuo away " yes.. yes your dad is an idiot"

Akashi: you want the TALK now son?

Tetsuo: what?

Tetsuya: nothing .... your dad is just thinking out loud

Tetsuo: * straight face* maybe I should really talk to dad mom, what if he eats all of us

Tetsuya: *speechless*

Akashi : *laughs* I was just joking son...come eat your breakfast

Tetsuo: you really are bad jokes dad




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Tetsuo and Seiichi video chatting

Tetsuo mentions " just this morning dad made a stupid joke about he will be eating mom... it wasn't funny"

Seiichi : *laughs*

Tetsuo: why are you laughing? it wasn't funny

Seiichi: yes, it wasn't *thinking* 'oh my innocent little brother'




flashback a few months ago

at Aomine's place

tetsuo's sees Aomine's erotic magazine

Kise snatches them away " I'm sorry you, oh no Kurokochi's gonna kill me"

Kise and Aomine panic saying " please forget about what you saw Tetsuo-chi"

Tetsuo: those girls

Aomine and Kise sweating

Tetsuo: are they guys?

Aomine and Kise: eh?

Tetsuo: they are not wearing bra's even though they are a beach... so they are guys right? but they have a large breast

Aomine: right... uhm... let's keep it that way... they are special kind of... guys

Tetsuo: oh... I see... okay then

Tetsuo proceeded to go to find Hikari 

eventually Aomine and Kise was taken over by their conscience and confesses to Tetsuya but soon they found out that Tetsuo really didn't have any clue about what those magazines were

end of flashback 

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now