𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 11 - 𝐆𝐎𝐌 𝐯𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢

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As Tetsuya and Akashi were at their vacation
Little Seiichi is left to his uncles...

Aomine: Seiichi do you want to play basketball?

Seiichi: no

Midorima: idiot, his still 3 he can't even hold the basketball up

Seiichi stands and hugged the ball and started smiling

Kise: he looks like a little Kuroko-chi

As murasakibara was sitting on the floor eating his snack.

Seiichi walked to him and sat on his lap

Murasakibara gave him a candy

Seiichi eats it so adorable

Kise went moves closer to wipe Seiichi's drool

But Seiichi suddenly stick the candy on Kise's cheek
Kise: no , not you too seiichi

Aomine whispered something to Seiichi

Seiichi then told Kise "BAKA!!"

Kise: Aomine-chi stop teaching him

Seiichi stands up when Ogiwara came into the room

Kise: He really is fond of you

Ogiwara: I've been here ever since he was growing up

Midorima: I brought a toy...

Kise: midorimacchi thats  book

Midorima: storybook

Aomine: Who's gonna read that...?

Midorima: me

Aomine: no way, you will bore him

midorima and aomine started to argue...

Seiichi then tears up and cried

Murasakibara then stopped midorima and Aomine" stop arguing or I'll crush you"

Kise: its okay, Seiichi  they are not really fighting

Seiichi: really

Aomine: that's right... See... We're buds

Seiichi: hug...

Aomine: what?

Ogiwara smile "he wants you to prove it by a hug"

It was awkward and strange but they hugged

Seiichi then grabs kise and Aomine

Seiichi: ojisan

Aomine: oji?

Seiichi continue saying "lets play"

Aomine: yes!

Aomine carry Seiichi "let's play"

A few minutes later...

Aomine: I'm tired

Kise: me too

Midorima: we're not getting younger Seiichi...

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now