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At night...

Akashi and Tetsuya awakened from Seiichi's crying

They hurry up to his room
Tetsuya: what is wrong, little prince?

Seiichi: I had a bad dream, daddy and mommy don't love Seiichi anymore

Akashi: that's only a dream little prince, that will never happen

Seiichi: in my dream, mommy and daddy had another baby and you said you don't love me anymore

Akashi: well that's a weird dream

Tetsuya holding Akashi's hand as he comforts Seiichi

Tetsuya: do you want to sleep with us tonight?

Seiichi nods

Akashi: let's dry off those tears ( carries Seiichi)

They lay on the bed

Seiichi hugging Akashi
And holding Tetsuya's hand

Nigou also lay on the bedside floor

As Seiichi fall asleep

Tetsuya stroke his son's hair
Akashi whisper "we have to tell Seiichi that he is having a baby brother/sister"

Tetsuya smile "even without telling him, he already senses it"

Akashi: we'll tell him tomorrow?

Tetsuya smile and nods

( the next day)

Akashi and Tetsuya faced Seiichi

Tetsuya: little prince we have news for you?

Seiichi: what is it, mommy?

Tetsuya: You're gonna be a big brother?

Seiichi: big brother?

Akashi: we will have another baby and you gonna be a big brother

Seiichi: where is it?

Akashi: its in mommy' Tummy

Seiichi: did you eat him?

Tetsuya smile "no, I am carrying him until it is ready"

Seiichi stayed quiet until he asked, "will you not love Seiichi anymore, mommy and daddy?"

Akashi: no... little prince we love you so much and now you will have someone to love more

Tetsuya: (touching his stomach) this little one is gonna need his big brother's love

Seiichi reach out to Tetsuya's stomach and touch it "hello, I'm Seiichi your big bwothew"

Akashi pats Seiichi on the head and said: "are you happy?"

Seiichi smile and answered "Seiichi will be the best big bwothew ever"

Tetsuya smile

And Seiichi hugged Tetsuya trying to listen to the baby inside even though there's nothing to hear yet

Akashi on the other hand steal a kiss on Tetsuya's lips, Tetsuya smile at Akashi

Akashi head to the kitchen and call out Seiichi "let's go Seiichi, help daddy bake"

Seiichi: yeeees!

As the two were busy in the kitchen
Tetsuya sat on the floor, stroking his stomach and saying "take your time growing little one, your big brother will be waiting for you"

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now