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Kurosuke startled

Yuuto: *smiling* sorry... Did I scare you?

Kurosuke: *blushes**look away**hides sketchbook*

Yuuto: *sees sketchbook* are you busy later?

Kurosuke: *shakes head*

Yuuto: then... Will you help me?

Kurosuke shyly asked "what kind of help?"

Yuuto: we need 1 more to play a 3 on 3 basketball

Kurosuke: why me?

Yuuto: *smile* isn't obvious cause the game will be more fun to have my best friend play

Kurousuke: *blush*



A few hours later...
Kurosuke agreed to play...but he was so nervous he fell and scraped his knee playing with new people...

After the game

Kurosuke: sorry, we lost

Yuuto: *puts an arm around kurosuke* don't worry about it... I was just glad I got to play with you... Maybe next time we can have one on one

Kurosuke: i... I'm not really a sport kinda...

Yuuto: don't worry it's just for fun anyway

Akashi residence

Tetsuya: Yuuto, thanks for bringing Kurosuke home *pats his head*

Yuuto: no problem

Tetsuya: why don't you and Kurosuke hang out more, I'll bring some snacks

Not long...

Tetsuya got a call from Akashi saying he won't be home that and not long a call from Chihiro asking him for a favor "can you let Yuuto stay in your house tonight,  Shige and I won't be home tonight"

Tetsuya: it's okay, seijuro kun already told me you're pretty busy there... I'll take care of Yuuto

Tetsuya calls Yuuto to talk to Chihiro before he hangup

Kurosuke holding a pillow "why is Yuu-chan sleeping in a different room?"

Tetsuya: because he is a guest and we want him to have all the space he needs

( real reason: Yuuto is an Alpha and Kurosuke is an Omega when they were younger sleeping in the same room won't be a problem but now that kurosuke is having abnormalities in his pheromone they can't)

Before going to bed they were in the living room passing time with Akane
Kurosuke looking at Yuuto as Yuuto watches Akane practicing tying a bow

Not long after

Akane has gone to bed
While Yuuto tries to beat kurosuke on a shogi match
Akane: well see you later old mans

Moments later...

Tetsuya checks on them and tells them to go to bed
But Yuuto and Kurosuke already fell asleep next to each other

Tetsuya look at them and smile
At the same time, he felt kinda sad

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now