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One rainy day ...

*thunder rumbling*

*baby crying*




*Tetsuya humming a lullaby*

Tetsuya held the sleeping baby close he was relieved he calmed down "sleep tight my little Shiori"


In California

Seiichi: looks like there's a storm in Japan dad

Akashi: yes, I heard, I already contacted your mom, he said there are heavy rains but their okay

Seiichi: you talk to mom?

Akashi: yes...

Seiichi: dad...

Akashi: *busy typing* yes?

Seiichi: we've been here for over a year already and i...

Akashi: what is it Seiichi?

Seiichi: how's work?

Akashi stops typing and looks at Seiichi and smiles "it's going great, you were there for the victory party ... "

Seiichi: how's mom?

Akashi pauses and gave off a different kind of smile "we video chatted a few days ago and I think he lost a lot of weight "

Seiichi: you're not worried?

Akashi turns around and continues work " I'm always worried but I promise your mom I'll do my best here... "

Seiichi: what if we go back home ?!


then suddenly Akashi took out a photo and gave it to Seiichi

Seiichi: this is...

Seiichi look at Akashi " don't tell your mom"





Back in Ogiwara's hometown

Ogiwara: welcome home mister manager

mayuzumi: shut up, I'm tired of your high energy attitude

Ogiwara: Yuuto joined a basketball team

Mayuzumi: and?

Ogiwara: nothing.... he also asked why he can't write to kurosuke

Mayuzumi: just tell him, kurosuke's busy and...

Ogiwara gives a letter to Mayuzumi

Mayuzumi look at it and was surprised

Ogiwara: it's from kurosuke to Yuuto

Mayuzumi takes the letter and said " just tell him kurosuke's busy"

Ogiwara: that's it... Tetsuya never told us that they should stop being friends

Mayuzumi: if they feel like one of them still cares for one another there's a possibility they'll want to meet again... we can't risk that

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now