𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 19 - TETSUYA'S MOODS

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one day Kise and Aomine went to visit AS ALWAYS

Kise: akashicchi? Why are you cleaning by yourself?

Akashi put his hands on his waist and sigh "Tetsuya is in his moods"

Aomine: mmm... That's got to be rough

Kise: is kurokocchi okay?

Akashi: he's fine but he is in his angry stage and lock himself in the room, for the time being we are cleaning the house

Aomine & Kise: we?

And the 4 years old Seiichi suddenly comes out wearing his outfit

Aomine: now he really looks like a mini Tetsu

Kise: im dying ~~~ seiichii-chiiiiiii......

Aomine comically grab Kise's face "I told you don't call him that ... It sounds like an allergy"

Kise: 😍 but Aominecchi, look at him I am itching to touch him


Akashi: did you finished cleaning your toys?

Seiichi: yeees!

Akashi: do you want to help daddy make something to eat

Seiichi: yeees!

Akashi: lets go and wash off first...

Akashi turn to the two idiots and said "make yourself comfortable, just don't make so much noise you might disturb Tetsuya"

Kise: Yeees!

Then Kise reacted "oh no!"

Aomine: what?

Kise: I didn't get a picture of Seiichi wearing his cleaning outfit😨

Aomine: fucking perverted idiot its safer if you don't




An hour later...

Tetsuya came down and was pouting...

Tetsuya sees Akashi talking to Kise and Aomine

Tetsuya grabs Seiichi

Akashi: oh... You're finally down... Are you hungry?

Tetsuya turn away as he lifts Seiichi up and poutingly said "no!"

Aomine whispered "here we go"

Akashi: What's wrong Tetsuya?

Tetsuya: 😣 nothing!

Seiichi: mommy?

Tetsuya: im fine seiichi

Tetsuya put Seiichi down and walk to the kitchen

Akashi look at the two and said "could you?"

Aomine: we got it

Kise: leave Seiichi to us

Akashi then went after Tetsuya

Tetsuya was eating vanilla ice cream when Akashi shows up

Tetsuya turn away

Akashi: Are you jealous?

Tetsuya: why would I be?

Akashi then walk closer to Tetsuya "You really are still in your moods"

Tetsuya step back "I said I'm fine!"

Akashi then corners tetsuya
Akashi sees vanilla cream on Tetsuya's mouth and licks it

Tetsuya blushed

Akashi scoops some ice cream "you always eat when you're upset... I would admit you look teasing when your pouting and angry like that"

Akashi puts the ice cream and his mouth
Tetsuya watch as Akashi's lips moves

Akashi then leans to kiss tetsuya "I think I love my vanilla husbands taste better"

Tetsuya then switch moods and cry
Tetsuya buried his face on Akashi's chest..as he cries

Akashi: there, there, I'm here

Tetsuya: Seijuro kun... I don't know what's happening to me

Akashi: It's only a stage, you'll get over it... I'm here for you

Tetsuya look at Akashi, Akashi wipes his tears and kiss his eye

Tetsuya: I love you

Akashi: I love you too

And they kissed until Tetsuya feel better


Seiichi was asking kise "what are mommy and daddy doing in the kitchen?"

Kise panics "ah... Uhmm... Their..."

Aomine: for heaven's sake just answer the child.

Kise: but...

Aomine: this is why I call you perverted...

Aomine put Seiichi in his lap and answered him "your mom and dad are talking, your dad is making your mom happy"

Seiichi: is he sad?

Aomine: no...

Seiichi: then why.

Aomine: cause it's your dad's job to make her happy

Seiichi: what does daddy do to make mommy happy....

Kise: (internal cheering)

Aomine:( in his mind) why did they have to raised this child as a curious fellow...

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Akashi: what were you teaching him?

Aomine: help!

Seiichi then ask akashi "what did daddy do make mommy happy?"

Tetsuya blushing

Akashi answered seriously " i kiss mommy"

Seiichi: ah okay!

Aomine: thats all you have to say?

Akashi:do you want to kiss mommy too?

Seiichi nods and tetsuy welcome him in his arm


Akashi was patting the two idiots " there there what were you telling him anyway"

Kise: ah..

Seiichi: daddy, whats a d***?

( and thus kise and aomine were not allowed to visit for 6 months)

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now