𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 41

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5 days later


Seijuro having a coffee with his father and aunt

*news of Fumiko and her family is bankrupt and in debt*

Seijuro: when I asked for help I didn't mean for you to take everything from her

Masaomi: she should be thankful it could be worst...

Aunt: they deserve it messing with our family

Seijuro: mmm... I didn't even know you had news about us

Aunt *drinks coffee* "I didn't, I was shocked when I found out you married a male Omega, I had my private investigator watch you and I got this *shows a picture of Tetsuya holding baby Seiichi* "

Seijuro tries to take it
But his aunt was fangirling about it "they are so cute"

Masaomi: they are *shows a picture of Tetsuo* see this is their 2nd child

Aunt: Oh my... This one looks like you Seichan

Seijuro *sigh*

Aunt: bring them to one of our family reunions

Seijuro: I would want that but Tetsuya is a bit shy

Aunt: it'll only be at the beginning, besides...

The aunt looks at Seijuro with a grin " I think it would be time for the whole family to see the heirs of the corporation"

Seijuro: I have no plan on giving them that kind of pressure... I plan on making them choose their path

Masaomi smile  "whether you take it or not,  son the whole corporation will fall into your family"

Aunt: Well, we have time till this kid make a decision but I would be proud to have them in the family, so try bringing them

Seijuro drinks his coffee as he thinks it over

Suddenly the butler shows up saying "the meeting will be starting soon, madam, sirs"

A few hours later

At Seijuro's Hotel room

Seijuro takes off his clothes and freshens up
A few minutes later as he was drying his hair
He looks at the time "Seiichi must be in school by now, Tetsuya he.."

Seijuro pauses and opens his laptop ... Thinking he wants to video chat Tetsuya " I wonder if he is busy"


Tetsuya just took a shower and was watching Tetsuo takes his nap

Tetsuya waiting on his phone..." it's only been 5 days... Maybe I could"

Tetsuya puts down his phone as he adjusted Tetsuo's pillow

*phone rings*

At the hotel

Seijuro tries to contact Tetsuya "he's not answering, maybe he is busy"

Then just when he was about to end the call
Tetsuya answers

When Seijuro and Tetsuya saw each other on the screen they both smile but was speechless for a moment

Seijuro: hi

Tetsuya: hi

Seijuro: did you just took a bath?

Tetsuya smile and nods "How did you know?"

Seijuro: you haven't comb yet

Tetsuya shyly said "sorry about that"

Seijuro: I miss you

Tetsuya: your beard.

Seijuro touches his chin "they are starting to grow again, I'm surprised you can see it"
Tetsuya: I just miss Seijuro kun

Seijuro: how are the kids doing?

Tetsuya: Seiichi is at school and misses you... Tetsuo is right here taking his nap

Seijuro: 9 more days ill be home

Tetsuya: ill be waiting

Seijuro look at Tetsuya

Tetsuya: what?

Seijuro: I wish I could touch you now, I miss waking up next to you

Tetsuya: you should get used to it, there will be times you have to go like this

Seijuro: are you used to it?

Tetsuya: I wish I am, but every time I miss you...

Seijuro: can you give me a kiss?
Tetsuya: how?

Seijuro: close your eyes

Tetsuya: huh?

Seijuro smiles

Tetsuya finds it odd but he did close his eyes

Seijuro: close your eyes, imagine me being there, I am holding your face, I whispered to you " I love you", I kiss your forehead

Tetsuya smile and did imagine Seijuro with him, Tetsuya's tears fell and he smiled as he imagines what Seijuro said "I kiss you on the lips, it wasn't a deep kiss, it was a gentle one"

Tetsuya opens his eyes and saw Seijuro just opening his eyes

Seijuro: even this far from you, I can taste your lips

Tetsuya smiles as he is filled with love from Seijuro

Both of them place their hands on the screen as though they were holding hands

Seijuro: bye love
Tetsuya: see you soon, I love you




9 days pass by

Tetsuya and the kids waited at the airport for Seijuro

And when Seijuro came Tetsuo and Seiichi was excited they hug him tight

Tetsuya let the kids take their time with daddy

Back at home
As Seiichi and Tetsuo were busy opening their gifts

Tetsuya and Seijuro were on the other side of the wall, Tetsuya hugging Seijuro so tight, Seijuro: you were holding back too much at the airport
Tetsuya look at Seijuro and put his hands on his cheek "welcome home"

Seijuro: good to be back

And just when they were about to kiss

Seiichi and Tetsuo shows up and stares at them
Seijuro and Tetsuya laugh and picks the two up
Tetsuya: come here our little princes

And just when Seijuro gives off a sigh
Tetsuya kisses him on the cheek

Tetsuo follows and Seiichi next

Seijuro smiles

( see you in the next chapter 😍)

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now