༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 62

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Seiichi and Shinichi thinking hard

Akashi: what's the matter?

Seiichi: his dad

Akashi: did something happened?

Seiichi: we need a new manager

Akashi: is that hard to find one? Is there no one who likes to sign up?

Shinichi: it's the opposite actually... a lot of girls showed up...

Akashi: what's the problem?

Shinichi: they don't actually like basketball sir, they only came so they can see Sei everyday

Akashi: Mmm... then drop them all

Seiichi: we need a manager soon...

Akashi: don't worry about it... take your time... if this was like our middle school days. The answer to what you've been looking for could be around the corner

Shinichi: mm?

Seiichi: dad was looking for a way to get passes without the other team noticing and my mom shows up and answered my dad's prayers, then eventually dad broke my mom's heart later and other things happened...

Akashi: that's too much information

Seiichi: I just wish I could find someone


Akane: I'll get it...

Tetsuya: Kanoko chan?

Kanoko: hi *blushing*

Akashi: who is it?

Tetsuya: Seijuro kun, it murasakibara Kun's daughter

Shinichi and Seiichi look at each other "Kano- chan?"
They both go and take a look at their old childhood friend

They were both surprised it was that girl they always bumped into

Tetsuya: what brings you here?

Kanoko: uhm...I'm here to give this to Seiichi Nii-chan and Shinichi Nii-chan, they are souvenirs ...

Shinichi: wow. You've changed a lot ... I didn't even recognize you

Kanoko sadly said "I guess"

Seiichi smile and said "come inside"

Akashi and Tetsuya noticed something strange... Seiichi looking at Kanoko and Kanoko blushing and shy towards Seiichi

Moments later

While Seiichi and Shinichi was out in the backyard playing
Kanoko was like having fun watching them
Tetsuya: don't you want to get closer?

Kanoko smile and said "I'm okay... I like watching them in the shadow"

Akashi then go and gave Kanoko a towel
And said "could you give this to them kano chan"

Kanoko: I guess...

Kanoko walked towards Seiichi and Shinichi
Seiichi stops and take the towel from Kanoko and wipe himself "thanks"

Kanoko: no..no problem

Shinichi: kano chan have you seen my water bottle

Kanoko: *gives the water bottle* here you go

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now