༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 87

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it's been almost 3 months since Akashi went on a business trip 

Akashi: finally, it's time to go home

Masaomi: I finally get to see my grandkids

Akashi: and I finally get to ki...

Masaomi: no need for that information son... save it for the night.... save it for the night




a few hours later ...


Akane jumps on Akashi 

Akashi: Akane... princess you're a lot heavier than before

kurosuke: welcome home dad

Akashi: *hugs kurosuke* I miss you, my little phantom baby,

Seiichi: hey dad

Akashi: Seiichi, it's a good thing we came home at the weekend... I get to see you

Seiichi: you say that but you only want mom

Akashi: that's a different son

Akashi notices Tetsuo just standing there looking at him 

Akashi walk towards him  and smile "hi there"

Tetsuo: welcome home dad

Akashi: *pats Tetsuo's head* how's our little mommy?

Tetsuo smile "I'm a good dad"

Akashi: can I have a hug then?

Tetsuo slowly went for a hug... he almost broke down in tears, Akashi could feel Tetsuo gripping on his coat, and how he buried his face on his shoulder he smiles and thinks "your still a baby after all" Akashi jokingly say " Are you crying?"

Tetsuo answers " no *sniff*"

Akashi smile 




A few moments later 

as Tetsuo was still denying missing Akashi, Tetsuya say " when will I have my turn, Mr. Akashi"

Akashi look and suddenly he walks towards Tetsuya immediately kissing him 

Seiichi: it's a record it took him 10 mins before he kisses mom

Tetsuo: that's new, usually it took him 20 mins

Akane & kurosuke: Ohh... Sugoi

Seiichi: how many kisses?

Akane: I'll go with 10

kurosuke: ill go with 5 

Tetsuo: 3 long one

Seiichi: Yosh, winner takes all

Masaomi: you're betting? let me in too

Seiichi: sure...

Akashi: dad!

Tetsuya: since when did you start this gabbling thing?

Seiichi: what are you talking about mom, were...

Kurosuke: since 3 years ago... I always win that's why I have new materials for my cos... *Seiichi covers mouth*

Akashi: too bad for all of you, no one win cause I only kiss your mom once 

Kids; FOR NOW... 😏




 At home...

Akashi: Tetsuo, I heard your new shoes are ruined so I bought you a new one... 

Tetsuo: thanks dad... but you'll let me keep the last one right 

Akashi: I have no problem with that... just keep doing your best 

Tetsuo: *face lights up* thanks dad

Akane: what about my dad?

Akashi: I didn't buy anything yet, why don't I take you shopping instead

Akane: yey!

Akashi: you too kurosuke...

kurosuke: anime store?

Akashi: sure

Kurosuke: that's all I need dad, that's all I need

Akashi: and you Seiichi... 

Seiichi: I'm good dad

Akashi: you're coming with us to shop. I need help carrying the bags

Seiichi: *smile* sure dad

Akashi: and as for mommy  *brings out a small box*

Akashi walks towards the kitchen where Tetsuya is 

Akashi gives the box to him 

Tetsuya smile and opens it 

Tetsuya kisses him 

kids: that's 2

Akashi: stop counting

Kids: *giggle* 

Tetsuya: What was the highest bid?

Seiichi: 10 mom

Tetsuya and Akashi look into each other's eye and both of them smile 

Akashi: *kiss*

Tetsuya: 3

Akashi: *kiss*

Tetsuya: 4 




Akashi: *kiss*

Tetsuya: 20

kids: *blushing* 

Tetsuya: looks like we won




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At night 

as Tetsuya was reading his book on the bed

Akashi was sleeping on his lap, Tetsuya stroking Akashi's head 

he looks at his bookmark with a blue rose bead that Akashi gave him, he smiled

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now