༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 74

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Tetsuo comes home feeling down

Tetsuya: Tetsuo?

Tetsuo looks at Tetsuya and looks away... He runs to his room

Moments later

Tetsuya knock on his door
Opens it and sees his basketball on the floor, his jersey dirty on the floor

Tetsuya: did you not make it?

Tetsuo: *holding back tears* I don't wanna talk about it

Tetsuya: okay... *pick up Tetsuo's jersey* if you're ready to talk, I'm here

Tetsuo: mom

Tetsuya: yes?

Tetsuo: don't tell nii-san

Tetsuya: okay...




Moments later

Akashi comes home with the twins

Akashi: I got Akane's costume for her drama club and Kurosuke's new art materials

Akane and Kurosuke kisses Tetsuya and head to their room to change

Akashi smile at Tetsuya, Tetsuya kisses him and whispered to him "Tetsuo's is having a bad day"

Akashi: don't tell me

Tetsuya: sadly

Akashi: *sigh* it's my fault, I should have helped him practice more

Tetsuya: *taking Akashi's coat* don't worry knowing our son, he will bounce back from this

Akashi: did he talk to you already?

Tetsuya: he needs time before he opens up... Since Seiichi isn't here anymore... And he is in his teenage years it will take time...

Akashi and Tetsuya walks to their room when Tetsuo suddenly come out calling to them softly

Akashi and Tetsuya drop everything and Went to him

When they got there

His posters and basketball jersey have been put down

Tetsuo looking sad

Tetsuo says "I'm quitting basketball"

Tetsuya: what?

Tetsuo: I don't wanna do it anymore

Tetsuya: what about your promise to ...

Tetsuo: *gripping his hand" I can't ... Anymore... They will never accept me... They keep saying I'm not good enough

Tetsuya: Tetsuo... I was not good enough but in the end i...

Tetsuo: Niisan told me about it... But back then you have dad and all my uncles. You have someone there who believes in you... Me. I have no one

Akashi: we believe in you... Aren't we counted

Akashi takes Tetsuo's basketball and says "but since you made up your mind... I won't stop you"

Tetsuya: Seijuro kun...!

Akashi looks at Tetsuya and smiles at Tetsuo "I'm still proud you did your best until... The end?"

Tetsuo: thanks ... Dad

Akashi gives Tetsuya the basketball as he Takes Tetsuo's jersey's "we'll be taking this now"

Akashi pats Tetsuo's head and said  "to tell you the truth, I was expecting more from you but don't worry about it... You can now concentrate on other things now"

Akashi and Tetsuya leaves the room and closes the door

Tetsuya whisper "why did you let him quit?"

Akashi: he said he doesn't want to anymore I can't force him

Tetsuya: you do realize he didn't mean it

Akashi: Tetsuya, when you were about to quit basketball what pulled you back?

Tetsuya: you? , I wanted to prove you wrong...

Akashi: *smile* you and he have something in common...

Tetsuya: what?




A few hours later

Tetsuo sneaks into Tetsuya and Akashi's room and took his jersey and Ball back secretly

Tetsuo heads to their backyard basketball court and practice as he was crying

Meanwhile, Akashi and Tetsuya was secretly watching him from a window

Akashi: see, you and Tetsuo are both stubborn 

Tetsuya kisses Akashi "He is also the same as you "

Akashi: I can't wait for him to bloom as the new generation of miracles

Tetsuya hugs Akashi as they watch Tetsuo
Holding his cries as he fails every time
Akashi could see Tetsuo shooting his own phantom shot






( thanks for reading )



A few days later

After Tetsuo sees the new Teiko first string  passes him by

Tetsuo run back home
To keep practicing "one more time..."

Kurosuke as his  manager and Akane as his cheerleader





Seiichi got a text from Tetsuo saying 

"to: idiot big brother

 I didn't make it on the team this time but I will, next time.... just wait and see

 from: Mini_Mom"

Seiichi texted back

 " to: Mini_Mom, *fistbump emoji*

 I have no doubt

 from: idiot big brother"

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now