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Let's rewind the time 

back to where it all started 

Middle school 

through time human have evolved gender isn't only a girl and a boy, now there are Alpha, Beta, and Omega

this time people are just getting used to the existence of this characteristic

An Alpha is determined by birth if you haven't been determining as an alpha there is a chance that in your 16th year you can either be a Beta or an Omega

being an Alpha means you are destined for the best thing in life since in studies Alpha male/female are superior in both physical and knowledge, They are called the Gifted... people pray on alpha since its really rare to be born as one

Beta is known as the ordinary people, their destiny is decided by themselves, they can choose to live low or high in society 

Omega is more complicated than anyone, Omega is known for its pheromone, they can turn any Alpha into wild animals, Omega is known to only exist for mating purposes, the prostitute of society, being an Omega female would still make your life a bit easier since people tend never really consider female Omega to be weird but Male Omega are the rarest, and the chances of a successful birth for Omega male or close to 0%

but there is this rumor that if an Alpha meets is destined Omega and a pairing is formed by biting on an Omega's nape after the Omega's pheromone will not be able to affect anyone else but his/her destined mate and the chances of giving birth to an Alpha baby is higher than anything 

but sadly there are a lot of Alpha trying to this and making a pair with an Omega but the only successful birth was with a female and all of them gave birth to either another Omega or a Beta

so this idea has only become a rumor

but rumor says that the Alpha can smell his destined mate even if he's Omega pheromone hasn't yet kicked in and the way to know if an Alpha and Omega are destined to each other is through a kiss... the first kiss of true love...

student: *clears throat*

teacher: sorry... 

*school bell*

teacher: an okay class that's it  for today's lesson, remember your gender check will be next week, whatever you get,  Omega or Beta hope you still try to do your best for your own future

students: yes ma'am 



Teiko Middle school

The superstar basketball team known as Generation of Miracles consist of all Alpha male are making noise all over the country but what people don't know is that they have another member

a phantom sixth man named Kuroko Tetsuya

on the verge of quitting, Kuroko Tetsuya catches the attention of an Alpha male named Akashi Seijuro

Akashi Seijuro sees Kuroko as an asset that he can use to ensure victory for the team so Akashi tested Tetsuya giving him clues on how he can use his unique self ... without holding too much hope Seijuro was amazed at how Kuroko was able to prove himself 

in the first game, Tetsuya was so nervous that he almost did not perform well but Akashi told him to become a phantom on the court and move the way he thinks he would pass the ball 

Akashi finally found  the missing piece 

At the locker room 

As Tetsuya was changing 

Akashi comes in "hello, Kuroko kun"

Tetsuya turns around and sees Akashi taking off his t-shirt 

Tetsuya immediately turn around and shyly said " good work on today's practice"

Akashi: thanks

suddenly Akashi appears closed to Tetsuya " what's wrong"

Tetsuya blushes " uhmm.. nnn.. it's just"

Akashi noticed Tetsuya's lack of muscles and said " you should really join me for a practice"

Tetsuya: really... hmmm

As Tetsuya was mumbling, Akashi suddenly took a sniff at Tetsuya

Tetsuya then covers his neck " it tickles Akashi kun"

Akashi smile and said "I'm sorry ... I just thought you smell really nice, it must be your cologne "

Akashi then says " well then I'm off to the shower"

Tetsuya then smell himself and thought it was strange since he isn't wearing a cologne 

outside the locker room, Aomine and Kise were already waiting for Tetsuya 

after the shower

Akashi head back to his locker to get dress and for a faint moment, Akashi can still smell Tetsuya's scent, that was when Akashi had a hunch that Tetsuya could be an Omega... but Tetsuya isn't yet 16 so... Akashi brushes it off as an imagination 




at the gender check ... initial finding Tetsuya is a Beta 

but the final result will be when his 16 

but now the basketball team is a bit relieved that none of their teammates is an Omega 


Aomine and Tetsuya became a really good teammate, Aomine even asked Tetsuya to be his lover,  but Tetsuya could not answer him straight at that time 

Aomine agreed to wait for his answer 

during breaks, Tetsuya would pass Akashi as he was doing his student council president work

Tetsuya could not help but watch Akashi and before Akashi could catch him watching Tetsuya would turn away 




one day 

On a rainy day 

Tetsuya forgot his umbrella so he is deciding to run or wait 

then Akashi shows up and offers him a ride home 

Tetsuya blushes and was about to decline but Akashi suddenly holds his hand and open his umbrella "let's go"

Akashi then moves his hand to Tetsuya's shoulder "don't walk so far, you'll get wet"

Tetsuya heart was pounding so hard that he is worried Akashi would hear it and will find it weird

At the car 

Akashi gives Tetsuya his towel to dry off

inside Tetsuya was confused and was embarrassed, he is happy, the butterfly in his stomach is killing him 
Outside Tetsuya shows a poker face but blushing




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