༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 86.5

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Everyone: ☉_☉

Hanako: Sei... I miss you

Akashi: Hanako *wiping lips* you didn't have to kiss me

Hanako: sorry... I just miss you

Akashi: what are you doing here?

Hanako: I'm a volunteer today... I heard you were coming so I came in early

Masaomi: hi there, Hanako

Hanako: uncle...I miss you too

Masaomi: you never fail to enter in a big way... thanks to you our staff are all speechless

Hanako: it's been a while since I've seen Sei so I got too excited

Akashi: next time a hug would be okay

Masaomi: you have to consider my son is already married

Hanako: *pouts* no fair... Sei belongs to me...

Akashi: *pats Hanako's head * its Sei Nii-san, and I don't belong to you

Hanako: yes you do. When we were a kid you said you'll marry me..and now you're with someone you didn't even bother introducing to me

Akashi: next time, ill introduced you...
Masaomi: let's finish work here and we'll talk later




A few hours later

Masaomi: I can't believe how much you grow... its been 15 or 16 years

Hanako: 18 years... uncle...

Akashi: So you finally turn 25... but you still act like a kid

Hanako: our 16 years gap is not that huge Sei... I can always marry you

Akashi: it's Sei nii-san... and I'm already married and I have 4 kids already

Masaomi shows the picture of his grandchild excitedly "aren't they so cute"

Hanako: I'm willing to adopt them if you marry me... I'll be a better wife

Masaomi closes his phone and smiling he continues to drink his coffee

Akashi: I doubt that

Hanako: if your wife really loves you he would not let you go on this 3 months work trip... he would want you to stay and just be there

Akashi: honestly I wish he did stop me..but he didn't...too bad but it's okay

Masaomi: what an understanding wife

Hanako: he should make sure you're eating well even if you're away

Akashi: dad what's for dinner

Masaomi: no meat... Tetsuya texted me to remind you about your vitamins too

Hanako: what are you two talking about

Masaomi: Hanako dear... Tetsuya is great and I'm satisfied with him... he is understanding, kind, patient, and loving son in law, mother, and wife...I think you should move on with your crush on Seijuro... he is VERY. Too much... SUPER.... Over the hills... in love with Tetsuya

Akashi: what's with that emphasis dad?.

Masaomi: nothing.

Hanako: I won't...

Akashi: don't you have guys your age you like?

Hanako: they're just no much for you...

Akashi: don't compare them to me... you have to find someone who will not have everything you want... but everything you need

Akashi stood up  "that's why I have to do this"

Hanako: what?

Akashi bow politely and said "I'm sorry"

Akashi looks at Hanako in the eye and said "I'm in love with someone else... Hanako san..."

Hanako looks at Akashi and can see how sincere he is
Hanako smile "can I see a picture of you and your wife?"

Akashi: my phone is in my car. I'll go get it

Masaomi: no need... I have one

Akashi: what?

Masaomi shows a stolen picture of Tetsuya kissing Akashi on the cheek

Akashi: pass me that.

The next day

Hanako left with a note saying " you better introduced him to me next time... p.s. your wife is so handsome, you better watch out someone might steal him from you"

Masaomi: should we hire someone to guard your wife?

Akashi: *smile* what a mischievous girl




𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 ℱ𝑜𝓇 ℛ𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔




Akashi: father... why do you have that photo anyway?

Masaomi: I have my source

Akashi: who?

Masaomi:  that is a secret.



At the Akashi residence

*phone rings*

Kurosuke checks phone

To: CuteKuro

*thanks for the photo grandson, your gift will be there soon*

From: CuteGrandpaM.

Kurosuke text back

To: CuteGrandpaM.

Thanks, Jiichan
Till next time

From: CuteKuro

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