༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 98

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after the game, Seiichi was rushed to the hospital

[ flashback ]

Seiichi 2nd year in middle school

Rakuzan Head coach: Thanks for meeting me

Seiichi: no problem...

Rakuzan head coach: as of now, you know what Rakuzan is

Seiichi: I guess

Rakuzan Head coach: our school is as strict as Teiko middle school when it comes to winning, we recruit a player based on their performance... and we see potential on you

Seiichi: I'm only in 2nd year of middle school

Rakuzan head coach: yes... and that's what makes it more special... I want you to join Rakuzan basketball team 2 years from now




Rakuzan ... months after Seiichi joins the team

Head coach: We have a new team captain.... Akashi Seiichi

Seiichi faces his team, upperclassman as the new team captain...

There was no time to slack off... every moment is bitter training

Seiichi vomits from exhaustion

Kanoko: Seiichi Kun... are you okay?

Seiichi: I'm okay...

Kanoko wipe his sweat "you don't have to prove anything Seiichi kun"

Seiichi: I know... thanks for worrying

One day

upperclassman: tsk... I know his good but his not that great, I like our previous captain

Seiichi ignores them and continues practicing even after everyone was gone



at one of the game

the team was about to lose because they refused Seiichi's command

Seiichi can't take it anymore... he went on to play by himself... when one of the opponent team up and injured him on the shoulder

Seiichi disgust the way the opponents play... despite the pain he continues to play

his team won 75 - 60

Locker room

senior: it's a good thing we won that...

seniors happily celebrating while Seiichi feeling his shoulder

shut his locker loud everyone was shocked

Senior: what's your problem?

Seiichi looks at them glaring " you call that a win?"

previous captain: oi, how dare you glare at us...

Seiichi faced him strongly

previous captain: you think you're great just because of that one game... well guess what YOU'RE NOT...

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now