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8 pm

Seiichi and Tetsuo went to sleep early due to exhaustion, Akane went to sleep because of her photoshoot the next day, Kurosuke slept early cause he was up all night the last night and was tired today


At the Master's bedroom

Tetsuya poking Akashi
Akashi opens his eyes "what is it?"
Tetsuya: I can't sleep
Akashi smile "what do you want me to do?"

Tetsuya: sing to me

Akashi hug Tetsuya and said "I'm not as good as you at singing"

Tetsuya: please...

Akashi starts humming a song and stroking Tetsuya's hair

A few minutes later

Akashi: still awake?

Tetsuya nods "I'm tired but whenever I close my eyes I just couldn't sleep"

Akashi: how about an exercise then?!

Tetsuya sits up "how about I go have a glass of milk instead"

Akashi sits up and kiss Tetsuya's neck "ill go with you then"

At the kitchen

Akashi: okay... I think it's time for you to tell me, what's up?

Tetsuya: I don't really know

Akashi takes Tetsuya's glass and put it on the sink, starts to unbutton Tetsuya's pajama
Tetsuya stops Akashi's lips before it kisses his nipples "Seijuro kun, the kids might hear us"

Akashi: I need my milk as well

Tetsuya blushes "you know there is nothing there since the twins turn 4"

Akashi: well I can always try

Akashi gently kisses Tetsuya's nipples and gently suck them. Tetsuya try to not make some noise

Moments later...
Akashi: still not sleepy?
Tetsuya holding tight to Akashi " I'm wide awake... And I just cum"

Akashi and Tetsuya head back to their room
Tetsuya opens Akashi's pajama and Akashi removes Tetsuya's bottom clothes

Tetsuya: only one round, okay
Akashi kissed Tetsuya's hand "I want to cum inside you, can I?"

Tetsuya smile and nods

An hour later

Tetsuya panting asker Seijuro "Seijuro kun... I can't anymore, I cum 4 times already"
Seijuro whisper " mmm. I haven't yet"

Tetsuya: why do you have so much energy
Seijuro: having 4 kids gives me a lot of stamina

Tetsuya begging "hurry, and cum"

Akashi kisses Tetsuya's cheek "it's okay we can stop... You're already tired"

Akashi pulls out

Tetsuya pouts... He grabs Akashi and pins him down the bed "no fair... "
Akashi: it's okay, we can do this again some other time

Tetsuya removes Akashi's condom and got on top of him, he tears up when he said "I can't sleep if I can't make Seijuro Kun cum for me"

Tetsuya slowly puts Akashi' d*** inside of him
Akashi mesmerized by Tetsuya, he couldn't help but get turn on more... 

A few minutes later

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now