༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 65.5

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Twins 2 years old ...


Akashi and Tetsuya super tired at the dining table

Seiichi: are you okay mom? dad?

Tetsuya: *yawn*

Akashi: ill take you to school today Seiichi

Seiichi: okay?



a few hours later

at the office

Ogiwara: you okay boss?

Akashi: yes... I'm just a bit tired, the twins did not go to sleep easily

Ogiwara: yours too... Yuuto was also too active last night... that's why Chii-chan can't go to work early today

Akashi: it's fine... just cover his shift... you seem not too tired

Ogiwara: well... I spoil Yuuto too much that I'm usually the reason he doesn't sleep.. that's why Chii-chan forbids me to hang out with Yuuto at night

Akashi: how's your married life now... you've been married for a year already right

Ogiwara: well... it's kinda different from yours for sure... we usually don't agree on a lot of things so we just compromise a lot of things too

Akashi: how is it different from us?

Ogiwara: well we don't end up cuddling after an argument so...

Akashi smile "why don't you try initiating it first?"

Ogiwara: no way... Chii-chan has always had mood swings so its kinda hard to have the right timing but maybe someday I would




At Akashi's house

Tetsuya was bathing Akane, but Akane would run around so he has to chase her every other time

while kurosuke still afraid to go in a bathtub ...

Tetsuya: Akane ... stop...

Akane *splashing water to Kurosuke*

Kurosuke tearing up

Tetsuya: Akane, don't Kuro chan doesn't like it

Akane tears up

Tetsuya *sigh*

moments later

Akane still pouting at the corner

Kurosuke approach her

Akane pushes him away

Tetsuya: Akane ...

Akane got angry she cry and went under the table

Tetsuya carries Kurosuke and went to Akane

Tetsuya: are you not gonna come out?

Akane: mommy, Don't like me... it's always Kuro-chan

Tetsuya: do you really feel like mommy doesn't like you?

Akane nods

Tetsuya sat beside the table and hug Kurosuke... Kurosuke hug back

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now