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Tetsuya p.o.v.

Today I woke up again not wearing anything under the cover, cuddling to Seijuro Kun's half-naked body.

Seijuro kun and I have been married for 17 years and we are making love like we are newlywed couples

It would be a few more years before my heat fully stops and I stop being an Omega...

Back then we thought we will never have kids but now we have 4

The eldest
Seiichi is 16 and is in Kyoto living with his Grandfather to pursue his goal in finishing high school playing basketball like Seijuro kun
It works cause months ago he has joined the basketball team of Rakuzan, he is working hard on his sport scholarship
He comes home to us on the weekend

The 2nd
Is Tetsuo he is 13
He is like me, he has little presence and finally got used to it,  he like Basketball too but he never did get to play when he was in elementary he was always benched now that he is in Teiko he is working hard to follow his big brother in making it to the first string

But I know he will make it...

Despite his bad at any sports, he is good with archery, cooking, cleaning, sewing
His grades well let just say I'm glad his not failing anymore

We were supposed to have a third but she didn't make it but we still named her Sakura and now she is our guardian angel

And we have the twins

My daughter Akane is 9
She is our little star, she does modeling, we sent her off to an all-girls school due to her becoming famous but she doesn't it
She is a happy go lucky child

And the other twin is Kurosuke 9 years old
Well, he is an anime lover, he has found friends by his collection, he doesn't get failing grades and he does have 1 friend he can count on so we just let him live life as he wants too
But sometimes I am strict with him just because he sometimes doesn't sleep and will be up all night watching Anime

One thing Seijuro kun doesn't want to repeat is pressuring the kids in taking over his business but the kids love their father's work
They sometimes asked about it.
Seijuro kun always says the family we build exceeded what he expected

I am glad he is happy








Akashi eating
Tetsuya sat on his lap

Akashi: what is it?

Tetsuya feeds Akashi
Akashi happily eats
Akashi feeds Tetsuya some grapes
Tetsuya eats the grapes but gently bites on Akashi's finger
Akashi: if you're trying to make me full, I am not...

Akashi kisses Tetsuya's lips "you're making me hungry"

Tetsuya: *touches Akashi's abs* not bad for an old man

Akashi: *caresses Tetsuya sexy body* tempting as always


Akashi and Tetsuya laughs at the disturbance
Tetsuya kisses Akashi before answering the door

After the delivery man was gone
Akashi comes and hugs Tetsuya from the back
Akashi: what was it?

Tetsuya: looks like it's for Kurosuke again... Must be his anime stuff

Akashi: let's carry it to his room and then maybe after we can...
Tetsuya: we can't...
Akashi: why not?

Tetsuya: you have to go to work today...
Akashi: oh...right ... 




( to be continued )

[Tetsuya 17 years old]

Tetsuya: mom, dad... This is Akashi Seijuro, my boyfriend

Akashi: it is nice to finally introduce myself I am...

Mom and dad: welcome to the family

Akashi surprised
Mom: I am so glad my son finally told you he likes you...

Akashi: actually

Dad: you do know he is an Omega

Akashi: yes... I do

Mom: we still want him to finish school so

Akashi: it's okay... I'm

Tetsuya: *blushing*

Tetsuya's mom look at Akashi and says "take care of him

Akashi: of course I will

Tetsuya dad look at Tetsuya " we're gonna be here if you need us"

At Akashi's mom grave

Akashi: mother, this is Tetsuya Kuroko the person I fell in love with

Kuroko bows

Kuroko look at the grave and say "please let me have your son"

Akashi: *whisper* she said yes

Kuroko: *smile*




Present time...

Under a tree 

Akashi sleeping on Tetsuya's lap 

their kids running around them 

Akashi sleeping so peacefully 

Seiichi comes to drink some water " how can dad sleep with this noise"

Akane putting a flower crown on Akashi's head 

Tetsuya holds Akashi's hand 

Kurosuke sat beside Akashi and draws him 

Tetsuo throws a ball to Seiichi 

Seiichi shouts " game on"

Akane jumping like a cheerleader 

moments later 

Tetsuya fell asleep 

Akashi carries him back to the house and they all go inside 

as the sun sets 

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now