𝑇𝒉𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝒉𝑒 𝐼 𝑑𝑜

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As Akashi was out of the country
for his studies

Kuroko also was busy with his...
They call each other on phone once every 2 days

It was going great until
They became much busier and busier and the phone calls decreases
The visits became shorter and shorter

3 months before Akashi's graduation

kuroko opened the TV

news pops in
The Akashi corporation, and Akashi's soon to be engagement.

Kuroko wanted to call Akashi but what would he say?
Kuroko's friends heard the news and called kuroko asking if he was okay

Ogiwara who was with Kuroko tried to be optimistic about it

Kuroko doesn't want to believe anything yet.
One winter night

As kuroko was heading home, kuroko was called to the Akashi Mansion

Masaomi welcomed kuroko but what he said next shaken Kuroko's life

Masaomi: I want you too let my son go

Kuroko looks down as he doesn't understand what is going on

Masaomi walked around kuroko and he explains "I bet you already heard, you know my son is an Alpha and he is the only heir to the Akashi corporation, right from the start I plan for him to marry someone that will benefit both him and the company... So... I know your relationship with him and I know you will say you love him... Whatever my son promised to you, please forget about it... I want you to let go of him"

Kuroko wanted to leave but then he asked "I want to talk to Akashi kun"

Masaomi: I'm saying this to you not to offend you, I'm actually doing you a favor... If you let him go now. I'll personally pay for your dreams

Kuroko closed his eyes and all of a sudden he couldn't hear anything...

The door was slammed open
kuroko looked and sees Akashi panting with an angry face...

Akashi suddenly grabs Kuroko's Arm

Masaomi then stopped him saying "what are you doing ?! "

Akashi look at his father and said "I told you before you can't stop me...I love Tetsuya and no one, not even you can stop that"

Kuroko looking at Akashi and was relieved to hear that

Akashi looks at kuroko and smiled with worry "I'm sorry if I didn't come sooner, you must have been worried..."

Kuroko grabs Akashi's clothes and he lay his forehead on his chest Finally crying as he said "I thought I will never get to see you again. I thought..."

Akashi hugged Kuroko and said "I told you before I want to be with you"

Masaomi: if you do this, I will disown you

Kuroko looked worried but Akashi smirked and said "I'm okay with that"

Akashi then leave with kuroko

Before leaving the mansion kuroko got worried and said "what about your father? I can't let you give up on your family"

Akashi smiled and said "don't worry, he'll come to his senses, for now, I can't let him control this part of my life"

A few months later...

Akashi graduated from his studies and kuroko was also about to graduate.

Akashi came to his graduation
Kissing kuroko in front of everyone saying "congratulation"

they stayed in an apartment
As their future house is being built

Kuroko: will you really not let me give my share of the house

Akashi: you can pay for the furniture but it's okay if you won't. Besides, you will have something better to give

Kuroko: mmm?

Akashi kisses Kuroko's virgin nape and said "I want to have a child with you"

Kuroko blushed "but the doctor said..."

Akashi: dont worry we have our entire life together. For the time being, let me spoil you

Kuroko then turn around and kiss Akashi as he pouts "I want to spoil you as well, Akashi kun"

A few months later...

Akashi and Kuroko got married
Masaomi attended in secret.

Kise was crying so much everyone thought he was the parent.
Ogiwara was the best man
akashi and Kuroko exchanged vows and everyone was moved

Kuroko decided to take Akashi's last name

The day they moved into their new house. akashi and kuroko did all the cleaning and arranging the furniture.

when they finished
Tetsuya and Akashi spend their time cuddling and showing love to each other.

It took 2 more months before Akashi and Tetsuya finally made love.

A year later...
Tetsuya finally got pregnant with their first child.

Tԋαɳƙʂ ϝσɾ ɾҽαԃιɳɠ...

Seiichi 0yrs old

As tetsuya was holding seiichi and swaying him to sleep. tetsuya was already sleepy and tired. but he still smiles
akashi came in and kissed Tetsuya and put his arm around him from the back. Swayed the baby with him

Tetsuya softly said to Seiichi "he's so beautiful, I can't believe he came from me"

Akashi smile and said "I love you"
Tetsuya turn his head to Akashi and answered "I love you too"

Seiichi who was sleeping soundly suddenly smiled.

And tetsuya's exhaustions goes away.

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now