༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 58 "Date"

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Seiichi: mom, I'll be late coming home, basketball training

Tetsuya: just call us if you finished ... Your dad will pick you up

Seiichi: okay... *finished his breakfast* ill be going then

Tetsuya: Seiichi *gives him his lunch box* do your best today

Seiichi smile "bye mom, bye dad"

Tetsuo follows, Tetsuya grabs him
Tetsuo: mom, I have my lunch box already

Tetsuya: take twins with you. Akane, Kuro-chan

Akane: we're here

Kurosuke: Bye 😳

Tetsuya takes Kurosuke's action figure... Kurosuke tears up
Tetsuya: leave it here where it will be safe... You don't want your new toy to be ruined right

Kurosuke sadly says "okay.."

After all the kids were gone

Tetsuya head back to the dining room
Tetsuya: are you not in a hurry today?

Akashi: no...

Akashi holds Tetsuya's hand "shall we go on a date?"

Tetsuya: what?

Akashi: I go to work and in the afternoon let's go on a date... It's been a long time since you and I go out

Tetsuya: it has?

Tetsuya sits on Akashi's lap
Akashi: we always cuddle at home, during my breaks, this time lets go out like we used to do

Tetsuya: I guess we could...

Akashi kiss Tetsuya "then it's decided"




A few minutes later

Tetsuya starts to tidy things up in the house
And after that, he gets ready for their date







As Akashi was calling Tetsuya's parents
Asking them if they could take care of the kids till they come back
Tetsuya's parents didn't ask why... They just agree.

Then Tetsuya came outside
Akashi turns off his phone
Tetsuya shyly asked, "do I look weird?"

Akashi: no... You look great

Akashi opens the car door for Tetsuya
Tetsuya: what have you plan for us today?

Akashi: that would be a surprise

Moments later

The two arrived at a fancy restaurant
Where they didn't eat much, instead they talk a lot that when they left the two were all happy and contented inside

After that, the two went to see a movie where Akashi fell asleep on Tetsuya's shoulder
Tetsuya remembers that time in middle school ...

Leaving the cinema Akashi did not let go of Tetsuya's hand

Tetsuya: can we... Go for a walk at the park

Akashi: why not...

As people stare at them
The more Akashi proudly shows he is holding Tetsuya

A few hours later

The sun starts to set
The Christmas lights turn on
It starting to get cold
Tetsuya took out the scarf from his bag and put it on Akashi
Akashi: were you carrying it this whole time
Tetsuya: I can't let you catch a cold
Akashi: it's almost Christmas
Tetsuya: I know... Uhmm Seijuro kun... Let's go there

Akashi: sure

Moments later

The two rides the Ferris wheel the same Ferris wheel they rode before ...

As they were looking at the scenery
Akashi: if we could go back  time and I will tell that past self of mine that person he is with on this Ferris wheel that day would be the person that will make him happy someday, I would

Tetsuya: that time, I didn't know I was falling for Seijuro kun...we've really grown together

Seijuro: Tetsuya *looking at his eyes*

Tetsuya slowly goes and sit beside Akashi
Tetsuya kiss Akashi's cheek and said "Happy Birthday, Seijuro kun"

Akashi: I thought you forgot

Tetsuya: I made it just for you *touching The scarf on Akashi's neck, Tetsuya goes and give Akashi his deep kiss*

Akashi blushes

Akashi "you can kiss like that now"

Tetsuya: I try to remember how Seijuro kun does it to me, though I'll try it today

Akashi smile "you never fail to exceed my expectation"

Tetsuya smile and does it Again till their ride is done

Akashi smile as he can't think of anything better as a birthday present




.(thanks for reading)

Almost midnight

Akashi and Tetsuya came home still holding the hands
Tetsuya: the kids are asleep so be careful

But the moment Akashi steps into the living room
Their kids jump out saying "Happy Birthday, Dad"

Akashi did not predict that
Tetsuya smile "they wanted to do it"
Akashi: really... You kids...
Everyone run and hug Akashi saying "I love you, daddy"

Akashi tears up smiling ... Tetsuya *secretly snaps a photo* "rare moment, file to Seijuro cute moments Album"

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now