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Morning ...

Tetsuya was on his reading time when the doorbells

when he answers it, it was Murasakibara and Tatsuya

Tatsuya: it's nice to see you again, Tetsuya

Murasakibara: Kurochin... *caressing Tetsuya's head*

Tetsuya: you finally paid us a visit but the kids are not here nor is Seijuro kun

At the living room

Tatsuya: I know... Kanoko our daughter has already started school the other day

Tetsuya: I see.. she goes to Teiko as well right, I bet Seiichi and Shinichi would be surprised to see her, specially Seiichi

Tatsuya: I hope they recognized her though

A few hours later...

Seiichi and Akashi arrives home " we're home"

Tetsuya: welcome home... Murasakibara and Tatsuya san were just here

Akashi: mmm... that's great

Tetsuya: seems like Kanoko chan has started school as well, did you see her Seiichi?

Seiichi: no... mom... I didn't notice

Tetsuya: really... Tatsuya san said Kanoko chan bumped into you on her first day

Seiichi: really?

Seiichi remembering what happened as he walked to his room to get change

A few minutes later

Seiichi: I really don't remember, the only new face I saw was this cute chubby girl who was bumped by a crowd, she fell on top of me

Tetsuya: I see... were you two hurt?

Seiichi: no... but I remember her since she smells good

Tetsuya: smells good?

Seiichi: yes... I like her smell more than the other girls

Akashi smirked, "I see..."

Seiichi: oh well, if Kanoko chan is really at school it will only be a matter of time since she comes and sees me

Tetsuya: well if you see her, invite her to our house so I can also say hi

Seiichi: sure mom

Akashi stands and grabs Seiichi's shoulder saying " Son.. let's talk, after dinner"

Seiichi: okay?

Tetsuya: nn?

After the dinner

Akashi and Seiichi sat at the balcony and discusses it

after discussing Seiichi asked Akashi "if Alpha's and Omega rarely find their fated mate, then how did you know mom is the one for you dad?"

Akashi answers "I know because it was more than just being an Omega and Alpha..."

Seiichi: so even if I found my fated pair, I could still choose to love someone else?

Akashi: son, love is not a choice you do alone... the person you will truly love is not an option, When I met your mom, I was in a battle with my life... he was the answer to all the questions I can't solve... I didn't choose him, there was no choice

Seiichi: Is this why you are talking to me about this?

Akashi: it's only a matter of time, whether we like it or not, you're growing up part of it is falling in love, just remember, you came from true love... you deserve true love

then Tetsuya came " okay what is it you two have to talk about that i am not involved with ?"

Seiichi stands and said "it's okay mom... dad just explain to me about Alpha's and Omega's

Tetsuya: oh... okay...

Seiichi: ill go now... thanks dad

Akashi: anytime, son

Tetsuya: why did you discuss it now? don't they have health class in school

Akashi: Health class won't explain some things so... I made sure Seiichi knows

Tetsuya: what things?

Akashi pulls Tetsuya to his lap " fated pairs and stuff...  things we only know"

Tetsuya smile "won't you always against them knowing a lot , you said that it will only make them grow faster... is Seiichi an exception?"

Akashi hugged Tetsuya " don't remind me... I know already our kids are growing fast ... soon they'll be gone from here"

Tetsuya kiss Akashi's head and said " Don't worry, you're not married to them... I'll be here growing old with you"

Akashi smile

The two kissed, Seiichi who was about to come in again, and asked something saw his parent's sweet kiss ... Seiichi leave smiling


At school

after a quiz

Shinichi: arggg... I need a girlfriend

Seiichi: why?

Shinichi: why? must be nice being popular... we are 14 now...we should be having a girl that we can have mutual feelings already .. like your mom and dad... they had a met at our age, right

Seiichi smiling " as much as I want to have a girlfriend, I never actually like anyone... like that ... "

Shinichi: no way... not even a crush?

Seiichi: no... perhaps my standards are too high or something

Shinichi: or maybe your just full of it .. you know girls are lining up to be your girlfriend, right?

Seiichi: they are?

Shinichi: *annoyed*

Seiichi: but... growing up with my parents I think I know what I want ...






Kanoko drops books

as she was picking them up ... Seiichi comes and help her 

Kanoko: Sei...

Seiichi gives the book to her and said: " it's you again... do you need some help carrying all of that?"

Kanoko blushes and said " no" runs away ... 

Seiichi: how cute... 

Kanoko: Seiichi Nii-chan, he noticed me...

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now