༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 54

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One day

Akashi: tell me again why are you here on your break?

Ogiwara: I and Chii-chan had a fight

Akashi: and?

Ogiwara: I just don't want to argue anymore so I thought ill go here for a break

Akashi: why here?

Ogiwara: well, your house has this comfortable feeling on it and Tetsuya is here ... And also *hugging kurosuke* Kuro-chan

Akashi : *dials Chihiro"

Ogiwara: Akashi... Please let me stay. For few hours...

Tetsuya:* bring the tea* why did you fight Ogiwara kun?

Ogiwara: it's just that I was just telling him about this kid I met in a kindergarten class and I was so excited about it and I think I made Chii-chan mad ... He got upset and said "I'm sorry if I can't give you anymore babied to cuddle"

Tetsuya: did you apologize?

Ogiwara: of course I did, but it only made him upset and worst I think Yuuto heard me too... I tried to walk outside to think of a better way to apologize then I wondered here, I know I'm not a perfect husband but I'm trying I didn't mean to make him think that I want another child or to make him feel like he's worthless, to be honest, I'm happy with my family now..just having him by my side and Yuuto with us is contented...

Tetsuya: we really don't want to be involved in your problem as a couple but as a friend, I guess you could stay for a few hours ... But please work it out on your own

Ogiwara: of course, Thank you

Ogiwara hugged Kurosuke and Kurosuke touch his hand


While Ogiwara was explaining Akashi had his phone in his hand and Chihiro already heard everything ogiwara said

Akashi secretly stops the call
Tetsuya of course noticed and he smiles


Ogiwara got a call from Chihiro
Ogiwara answers it and it was Yuuto saying "Papa. Come home."

Ogiwara was so happy..he immediately leaves

When Ogiwara arrived home... Chihiro didn't let him apologized instead... Chihiro kissed him passionately

Ogiwara was surprised "I thought you don't like kissing if it's not in our bedroom"
Chihiro blushes and said "today's an exception since I made you worry"

Ogiwara smiled and whispered in Chihiro's ear "I love you"

Chihiro gave a small smile of happiness

And when Ogiwara was about to kiss Chihiro, Ogiwara covered Yuuto's eyes





As Akane was busy playing and Kurosuke watching TV

Tetsuya and Akashi was a couch cuddling
Akashi: So when did you notice that I was really calling Chihiro
Tetsuya: from the start?

Akashi: so you intentionally made Ogiwara say all of that

Tetsuya: I didn't know he would share it though but I was hoping he would

Akashi: *kissed Tetsuya's neck* I'm sure they are okay now...

Tetsuya: Seijuro kun... *points at Kurosuke*

Akashi sees kurosuke  dancing

Suddenly kurosuke stops and look at Akashi and Tetsuya

Akashi: why did you stop Kuro-chan... You were great

Kurosuke turn red and hides his face

Tetsuya smile "oh my shy baby kuro-chan"

Akashi: alright, daddy will watch with you now...

Akashi starts watching the anime show on the TV with Kurosuke and later the two were swaying side by side

Tetsuya kiss  Akashi and kurosuke and said " okay... I'll go and check on Tetsuo and Seiichi outside"

At night

Ogiwara and Chihiro made love
After Chihiro sadly said "I wish we could make another one but we can't anymore"
Ogiwara hugged Chihiro and said "it's okay, I can always spoil you for the rest of my life"

Chihiro: I know I never say it every day but... I love you Shige.

Ogiwara tears up and Hug Chihiro tighter




Midorima: *adjust glasses* explain this

Shinichi: I'm sorry I disappointed you

Midorima: your grades shouldn't be like this, that's it... Stop playing basketball, concentrate on your studies

Shinichi: dad I can't do that, this is teiko basketball... You know I work hard to get your former position,  I know I didn't get any A's but I still pass

Midorima: you are my son and I expect better grades next time

Shinichi: dad?!

Midorima: end of the discussion

Shinichi: *upset lock himself in his room*

Moments later

Takao: Shinchan, Shinichi didn't actually fail... Can't you consider this

Midorima: Kazu, I don't need to discuss this with you

Takao: you're right, when did you ever discuss anything with me...
Midorima: what?

Takao: Shinchan I used to be okay with it... We were partners way before we got married but ever since we had Shinichi, it's like your raising him by your own standard... And I only have to be there to what ... Feed him?

Midorima: stop... I'm doing this for him... And it's not my fault that you are spoiling him too much

Takao: so this is my fault?

Midorima went silent he didn't agree nor denied what Takao said so Takao tears up and smiles in pain before he runs to their room and locks himself

Midorima got a call from the hospital and Midorima answers "okay. I'll be there"

Takao whispered "Shin-chan... You idiot"




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The next day

Takao: Tetsuchaan 😭😭😭

Tetsuya: Kazukun?


Shinichi fails a lot of the 3 points shot that Seiichi had to sub him out "I'm sorry, Shin..."

Shinichi: ..no... It's okay

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now