𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 28: ραɾƚყ ɠσɳҽ ɯɾσɳɠ

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"Its been a week since that day, Tetsuya hasn't yet shared his problem"


"I don't know what's wrong with me"




it was early in the morning

Tetsuya wakes up heads downstairs after checking on the children...
He went to the kitchen, where he'll see Akashi almost finished making breakfast.

Tetsuya thinks to himself 'i can't even get up early to make breakfast for them'

Tetsuya went to the sink and start washing the dishes

Akashi: Tetsuya, it's okay ill take care of it... Go and eat your breakfast

Tetsuya: no... It's just the dishes... At least I can do this

Akashi: what?... Tetsuya?

Tetsuya: I'm sorry... I just...

Akashi: you've been really on the edge this past few days... What's wrong?

Tetsuya: i... I don't want to talk about it

Akashi can feel the big wall that used to be there... Akashi reaches out and hugged Tetsuya from the back and said "okay... I understand... ill help wash the dishes... That way you can eat your breakfast soon"

Moments later Seiichi wakes up and sits for his breakfast

Seiichi starts eating

Tetsuya: do you want me to feed you Seiichi?

Seiichi: no mommy, I'm fine

Akashi smiles and said "that's right Seiichi is a big boy now"

Tetsuya smile but he was sad He felt like he can't do anything

So all afternoon Tetsuya did all the chores by himself while taking care of the baby

Akashi noticed how pale Tetsuya is

Akashi then said "Tetsuya, you should rest... You don't look so good"

In Tetsuya's ears, everything was filtered all he heard was 'you don't look good'

Tetsuya excuse himself
And go to their bedroom where he sees himself in the mirror... He wipes his sweat and tries to freshen himself up

Akashi follows him and sees Tetsuya busy looking for something new to wear

Akashi: Are you going somewhere...
Tetsuya: no... I just have to look good

Akashi grabs Tetsuya and told him to sit "okay this is crazy... Tell me what's wrong?"

Tetsuya tears up "am I plain to you...? Don't I look good beside you?"

Akashi pulled Tetsuya in and hugged him so tight "don't ever say that..."

Tetsuya then fell asleep as he was crying

Akashi carries him and carefully put him on his bed

Akashi went down to see Seiichi looking sad

Akashi: what's wrong Seiichi?

Seiichi: is mommy not feeling well?

Akashi: mommy just needs a rest...shall we go to Tetsuo...

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now