༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 91

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Rakuzan High

Kanoko arrived at the gym finally wearing the Omega collar for the first time 

there was a silence at first but Seiichi went and took her hand saying "welcome back"

Kanoko smile seeing him again 

Seiichi escorted her to her manager sit, he smiled as he went back to practice 

Kanoko knew everything will change now that she is a full-fledged Omega

during practice, the guys were looking at Kanoko and seeing a blooming and seductive side of her 

one of the guys whispered to Seiichi "is it because of her Omega pheromone, your girlfriend is emitting some sexy aura"

Seiichi answered with a smile and said "really? I never thought her Omega pheromone would do much... since she was sexy to me from the start"

and the guys were shut 

Seiichi run to Kanoko and they both head home together 

Kanoko: you're not gonna shower?

Seiichi: *smile* I'll shower at home... besides, I gotta get you home 

Kanoko: at least wipe your sweat and wear your jacket, you'll catch a cold 

Seiichi: *kiss Kanoko cheek* I don't mind, I have you to take care of me 

Kanoko: *blushes* 

guys: tsk.. showoff  *jealous glare* 





Teiko middle school

Game Over

Tetsuo wins 

student 1: shit... how

student 2: oi... I thought he was weak 

Student 3 : we can't even see where those shots come from 

Hikari runs to Tetsuo's side " that was amazing... how...."

Tetsuo trying to hide he is exhausted, he whispers "let's go while they are down"

Hikari: -_- you went overboard again with things you still have no control off

Tetsuo: shh

as Tetsuo and Hikari was about to leave

The 3 guys got up to try and stop them but suddenly the captain came 

student 1: captain...

the 3 bowed 

Captain glare at the 3 saying "I warned you guys about this..."

student 2: I'm sorry captain... we were just 

Captain: defeated... I was watching

student 3: Captain...

Captain: you may all go, we will discuss your punishment along with the coach 

Student 1: what?!

Captain: go... *glare* 

as the 3 went away 

the captain walks towards Tetsuo and looks at him, he looks at Hikari and said: "Aomine Hikari, right?"

Hikari nods

Captain: *smile* I would like to talk to your friend, can I?

Hikari look at Tetsuo

Captain: don't worry, this is just about his tryout 

Hikari suddenly smile "okay... good luck Tetsuo... it'll leave you two alone"

Moments later 

Hikari is finally gone

the captain walked towards the ball on the floor, he grabbed it and took a shot 

Tetsuo surprised " a formless shot?"

Captain: *smile* I thought you won't fight back

Tetsuo: mm?

Captain: I noticed those guys were skipping practice most of the time when I followed them, I realized why... you just sat there without a word... I thought you were some kind of dummy... then when they left, I followed you ... I saw  ...

The captain looks at Tetsuo " I saw your weak ass practice at a basketball court ... *smirked* but I also noticed your lack of presence... "

The captain went closer to Tetsuo " what I don't understand is... I noticed you perfectly"

Tetsuo looks away and took a step back

Captain: anyway... days go by... I was drawn to you... and now I know why... 

Tetsuo was puzzled by what the captain is saying 

Captain: anyway... 3 days from now... come back here... you will have our tryout... I expect you to do your best... 

Tetsuo: really? why?

Captain: I'm interested in you... I want you in our team... but you gotta show me that again 

Tetsuo overwhelmed with happiness he said "I will... thank you... Captain..."

Captain: *offers a handshake* My name is Shiro ... Gold...nice to meet you... Akashi Tetsuo... I'll see you soon



as Shiro left 

Tetsuo wondered "did I tell him my name?"




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At home 

As Akashi and Tetsuya was taking a shower together 

the kids came home 

Tetsuya: *smile* times up 

Akashi: *kisses Tetsuya on the neck* we can just say we're busy ...  just one more round

Tetsuo: MOM... DAD? *looking around*

Akashi pulls out ... Tetsuya kisses him on the lips and turns off the shower " times up, our son is calling"

Akashi: *sigh* it's unusual for him to call out like this loudly 

Tetsuya: it must be something important he is raising his voice to call us

Akashi: you go ahead... I need to take care of my... 

Tetsuya: *smile* hurry it up then 

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now