༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 66

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Kise calls Akashi: Help us!!! Kurokochii he's...










2 days ago...

Tetsuya *slight coughing*
Akashi: you okay love?
Tetsuya: my throat is a bit itchy... I'll go drink a medicine before it turns into something

Moments later...

Tetsuya: What was this about you leaving for 3 days?!
Akashi: it's for this project I'm working on
Tetsuya: mmm... Okay, just make sure the kids know

Akashi goes and kiss Tetsuya's cheeks and head to talk to the kids
Tetsuya *sniffle*



The next day

3 am the morning...

Akashi kisses Tetsuya "I'm going now..."

Tetsuya grabs his hand and they kiss again
Pulling Akashi to bed once more
Akashi: you're a bit warm...
Tetsuya all red and teary-eyed "behave when you're out there"
Akashi * turns on* "damn it..."

Akashi drops his bag and removes his jacket... Undo his pants, Tetsuya goes and kiss him and said "Seijuro kun" with this seducing face

Akashi and Tetsuya did it again...

*phone rings*

It was masaomi
Tetsuya covers his mouth as Akashi thrust into him..." and just when we're about to climax" Akashi answers the phone "yes. Father"
Masaomi: where are you?
Akashi: ill be there in a few minutes
Masaomi: hurry up...
Akashi: *groan* I'm trying

Masaomi: *hears heavy breathing* you okay son?

Akashi: father. I need to go... I'll see you later...

Tetsuya pulls on the covers as he and Akashi climax

Moments later

At the car

Tetsuya gives Akashi a goodbye passionate kiss
Akashi: I don't know what has gotten into you but let's continue this 3 days from now

Tetsuya: promise...
Akashi: okay...

Akashi drives off, he was a bit worried that Tetsuya seems to be more aggressive like that one time he was drunk... So he just decided to go to work early to finish this as quickly as possible...

A few hours later

As Kise and Aomine were at Tetsuya's house to hang

Tetsuya pass out
The two got worried and realized Tetsuya was burning with fever

Kise: should we call Akashicchi?
Aomine: isn't he on a flight we don't even know if he can answer soon
Tetsuya slightly wakes up and said "no... I'll is fine. Don't call Seijuro kun"

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now