༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 64

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At Akane's photoshoot

Kise: isn't she so cute kuroko-chi?

Tetsuya looking at Akane enjoying posing for the camera and putting her cute clothes

Tetsuya: I'm glad she is enjoying this

Kise: she sometimes blew me away. She is becoming more like a pro by the minute

Tetsuya: thank you for guiding her

Kise: no problem... She is like a daughter to me

Akane running towards Tetsuya "mommy is done 🙌"

Photographer: good work today Akane chan

Akane bows and said "thank you for your hard work"

Tetsuya bow with her

Tetsuya carried her and they both say bye

After they left...

Photographer: Akane's mother sure is young-looking. It would be so cute to have them both as a model

Kise: you noticed him?

Photographer: of course he was emitting this sexy aura ... It's sexy yet it's so gentle...

Kise: well tough luck director ... His husband is a bit possessive I don't think he would want kuroko-chi to model for anyone

Photographer: too bad. But at least we have Akane chan...

Kise: shall we shoot my pictures now?

Photographer: let's have a break for a while... was pretty satisfied with Akane chan

Kise: ehhh?!




At home

Akashi: what are you drawing kurosuke?

Kurosuke: Naruto

Akashi: *looking at his drawing* you have a talent on this.. this drawing is great

Kurosuke blushing "really?"

Akashi: can you draw something I can put on my office

Kurosuke happily nods... And started drawing seriously

Akashi gently pats Kurosuke's head and went to make him some snacks




At school

Tetsuo: tell me again why I have to be at school today?

Hikari:  well... We need help... *gives him an apron* we need you to cook *begging* pleeease!!!

Tetsuo sigh but still takes the apron...

He heads to the school home economics kitchen
Cook for the clubs for an hour

He made them curry and some snacks later

Hikari: wow...

Tetsuo: how's the rice?

Hikari: it's done

Tetsuo: I can leave now right?

Hikari hug Tetsuo "thank you tets- chan"

Tetsuo hides his blush and said "well then I'll be leaving"

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now